Friday, December 30, 2016

Keep Your New Year's Resolution with Kyäni

Today's post by Dr. Abbas Qutab, Kyäni Scientific Advisory Board

It can be daunting when your list of new year’s resolutions is as long as your holiday to-do list. However, it is important to remember that the new year doesn't have to be a catalyst for dramatic changes. It’s a time for you to reflect on your past year’s behavior and make reasonable promises to yourself leading you toward a more positive lifestyle. By making your resolutions realistic, there is a greater chance that you will keep them throughout the year.

As you might guess, the number one resolution made every year is to go on a diet and start exercising to lose weight. But did you know that there are three other factors that significantly influence your ability to lose weight? They include your stress level, the amount of restful sleep you get each night, and the amount of antioxidants you consume daily.

A stressful lifestyle hinders weight loss by increasing your cravings for carbohydrates and junk food. In addition, hormones secreted due to stress, like cortisol, increase fat storage in our bodies. The most common stresses in life include financial instability, job dissatisfaction and marital/family issues. In order to help your body counteract the effect of stress, you can take Kyäni Sunrise. It provides specific vitamins and botanicals which help the body adapt to stress. Specifically, it provides B Vitamins and adaptogens like ashwagandha and panax ginseng root.

Sleep deprivation hinders weight loss by upsetting your hormonal balance. Specifically it decreases leptin, which is a hormone that makes you feel full after eating. This results in overeating. To help you get the best possible sleep, you can take Kyäni Sunset, which provides Omega 3s, along with a full spectrum of E vitamins, including tocotrienols.

A lack of antioxidants in the diet also hinders weight loss. As a matter of fact, it contributes to weight gain. Antioxidants are molecules that fight free radicals. Free radicals can damage the cells in the body that tell you you’re full. So if there aren’t enough antioxidants in the diet or supplements, you may overeat, resulting in weight gain. Kyäni Sunrise can help counter this. It’s loaded with antioxidants from superfoods, specifically the Wild Alaskan Blueberry, maqui berry, amla berry, acai berry, and wolfberry.

Once these lifestyle factors are addressed and corrected, you are much more likely to succeed as you set goals to moderate your diet and increase your physical activity. The last step is to increase the amount of Nitric Oxide your body produces, because Nitric Oxide helps the cells in the body to burn fat. It does this by improving the function of mitochondria, which are the powerhouses of the cell, generating energy for day-to-day living. Nitric Oxide, as a signaling molecule, helps the mitochondria to burn more fat, both dietary and stored. Kyäni Nitro Xtreme and Nitro FX generate Nitric Oxide in the body, which further helps to reduce body fat and gain lean muscle mass.

In conclusion, the three factors that need to be addressed to enable effective weight loss in 2017 are stress management, sleep quality, and increased daily intake of antioxidants. Increasing the body’s Nitric Oxide production further assists this process.

Let the Kyäni Triangle of Health be a foundational element for making positive changes in your life in 2017.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

6 Week Challenge (Almost Sold Out) - New Year Resolutions and YOU


During this mornings class we used 12 Exercises, for 29 Seconds and had 16 seconds to rotate...Get it 12-29-16.....ha ha ha ..I crack myself up :-)

I'm sure you know the New Year is coming and we all (yes me too) have New Year resolutions...Last week I shared that we were opening the doors to the 1st 6 week transformation challenge of 2017...and a lot of the spots are taken...if you have been around since September you have seen we have taken more than 20 people in every installment of the 6 week challenge ...a lot of people have repeated the program and they understand what you get with the program and sure enough a lot of them have already secured their spots in this one coming up.

We also have a few new people joining this New 6 week for those on the is not starting until Monday January 9th..Orientation is Sunday January 8th and we are almost sold out...the word is spreading fast on Facebook and a lot of people are reaching out to get going...all the details are here: if you have questions let me know

Not all of you are looking for something like that but you are looking to rock and roll in 2017...let me know how we can help you get going again or for the first time....

It's going to be an EPIC year, I hope we are a part of yours..




Sunday, December 18, 2016

My High Blood Pressure

Had a follow up visit yesterday with my Doctor
So while I was in the hospital and after I left a few months ago...they said I had High Blood Pressure...real when I was in, they had me taking norvasc and metoprolol and they wanted me to keep taking it when I left...and since I'm a good patient I did for a full 3 days (not a fan of meds)....I just don't think medication is the answer to something that can be fixed with a little patience and a little time...My eating is very good, I know a guy that knows a thing or 2 about nutrition...I exercise regularly, I know a guy that helps with that too...and I take my Kyani Supplements EVERYDAY...
My blood work is GREAT, everything is rockin the house!!! Now I bring this to your attention for 2 reasons...#1 Your health is one of my top priorities and it should be yours too...yes yes yes everyone wants to burn fat, and get tight and tone, but if you are not giving your body the nutrients it needs it won't give you what you want.
I want to live a long time and in order to do that I need to take care of myself in the best way possible...and I know that supportive eating and exercise are key and making sure I get my vitamins is critical so I choose Kyani.
#2 I find it very interesting how when someone is sick and the Dr gives them a prescription for meds, people go out do what the Dr said, no questions asked...if your loved ones are sick you jump and go pick up their meds (price is no object) ...yet when It's time to take care of better, exercise, and take the supplements your body needs to function better...We don't have time, we can't right now, and we don't have $$$
If this year has taught me anything (and I hope it taught all of you through my experience) it's that we don't have time...we don't have time not to make the right decisions...your health is the most precious thing you own...without it you can't go to work, you can't take care of the people you care for, you can't go on vacations, you can't go to school and you can live the full life you were meant to live...
As we close our 2016 and get ready for a New Year....I hope you take a moment to invest in that you can keep moving forward..

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Do Vitamins Make You Fat?

Do Vitamins Make You Gain Weight?
You have NO idea how many times in the last 20 years people have said this or at least asked it...and of course it came up this weekend when we brought Kyani to Puerto Rico
So here is the answer...Please make sure you read it 2 or 3 times and feel free to share it
If you're overweight or obese, you're consuming too many calories — extra fuel that your body can't use and stores away as body fat. There are six essential nutrients that you need for optimal health and nutrition, however, only three of these nutrients provide calories. Vitamins don't deliver calories that contribute to excess fat; each vitamin you get from the food you eat serves a different purpose in your body.
There are six nutrients your body needs: carbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. Only three of these nutrients — carbohydrates, fat and proteins — provide calories, the fuel that gives you energy. Carbohydrates and proteins give you four calories per gram, and fat gives you nine calories per gram. Carbohydrates come from foods such as rice, pasta, vegetables, fruits, beans, peas and grain-based foods, such as bread. You get proteins from foods such as meat, chicken and other poultry, eggs, beans, and milk and other dairy foods, such as cheese. Fat is present in numerous foods, such as meat, butter, cheese, shortening, nuts and vegetable oils. The vitamins in the foods you eat are noncaloric; however, they are vital for growth, development and cell function.
Thirteen vitamins are essential for human health. These vitamins are vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the eight B vitamins, which consists of vitamin B-1, or thiamine; B-2, or riboflavin; B-3, or niacin; vitamin B-5, or pantothenic acid; B-6; B-7, or biotin; B-12 and folic acid. Each vitamin serves a specific function to keep you in good health. For example, vitamin C is essential for the health of your teeth and gums; it also promotes the absorption of the mineral iron and helps you heal when your body is wounded. Vitamin D helps you absorb the mineral calcium, which is required for strong teeth and bones. Vitamin deficiency leads to poor health and puts you at risk for cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.
A sluggish metabolism is sometimes blamed for weight gain; however, according to Mayo Clinic preventive medicine specialist Dr. Donald Hensrud, most of the time weight gain is the result of consuming more food and beverages than you need and not getting enough physical activity to burn surplus calories. Other factors that contribute to weight gain include your genetics, family history, taking certain drugs, skipping meals and inadequate sleep. Another thing to consider is that as you get older, the number of daily calories you need decreases. If you've set weight loss as your goal, reduce the number of calories you consume each day. Eat a varied diet rich in all of the essential vitamins and minerals you need. Regular aerobic exercise and strength training also helps with weight loss.
Other Information
Some people take vitamin supplements to make sure that they get their daily dose of essential nutrients. However, the American Association of Family Physicians indicates that it's best to get vitamins and minerals from the food you eat, as they're more readily absorbed by your body. Vitamins and other dietary supplements aren't an adequate substitute for a healthy diet. However, states that vitamin supplements may be appropriate for certain populations, such as vegans and vegetarians, people who consume less than 1,600 calories a day, pregnant women and those who have health complications that prevent the absorption of certain nutrients.
SO...Even though I have said it over and over...YOU MUST TAKE VITAMINS...AND NO THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU GAIN WEIGHT
Why do I recommend Kyani?
If we could feed our bodies the most remarkable, natural foods from around the globe to ensure our highest level of nutrition, we would choose the Wild Alaskan Blueberry (The King of Fruits) and the sixteen additional Superfoods found in Kyäni Sunrise.
With 5 times more antioxidants than cultivated blueberries, research has confirmed that blueberry consumption boosts serum antioxidant levels to protect against damage to cells and may reduce the risk of many chronic degenerative diseases.
Superfoods including Pomegranate, Red Raspberry, Amla Berry, Panax Gingseng and many others provide Kyäni Sunrise with an amazing spectrum of rich-colored, vitalizing nutrients that provide incomparable health benefits.
Taken in the morning to provide maximum bioavailability, Kyäni Sunrise will help you experience optimal health. Try it for yourself!
Kyani offers a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee..Click here to order: <<

Friday, November 18, 2016


You've Had A Lot Of Things On Your Mind ​As Holiday Season Starts!


Who here is a diet robot who will never side step into a vat of steaming macaroni and cheese come holiday time?

Don't get disappointed in yourself when you make a few diet mistakes during time with your family on special occasions.

That's setting yourself up for failure - failure in your confidence to maintain a sense of health and well being.
Being too strict could ultimately lead to more weight gain after you suffer the disappointment and get discouraged about your goals.

Better would be to get a few tips and tricks up your sleeve, as well as arm yourself with a TEAM to get some Help For The Holidays!

Plan Some "You Time" Into Your Schedule After Thanksgiving - Just 14 Days!
Maybe You've Thought About Bootcamp Style Workouts Before

Take Advantage Of This BLACK FRIDAY Deal by Clicking Here <=

But What If I Love This - What Would I Do Next? 

(Please give us a heads up that you want to come to try it out at our Hialeah / Miami Lakes location before Black Friday ends on midnight Nov 27th - spots will fill up FAST!)

What if you could have your OWN personal trainer that takes notice of your unique situation and goals...

with fun workouts programmed for your level....

in an environment of people doing the same exact thing as you??

What if you could get the Help For The Holidays that you need by coming in only a few times a week and working out at your own pace...

and for just $67????

Did you give it a go?

​If not, what stopped you? With such a harried mind around the holidays, thinking of every last minute detail, it can be easy to push our health to the side...


Let me show you how easy it is to do these workouts! Just show up in something you can move around in and bring a WATER BOTTLE!

That's right... let US do the thinking for you and don't let the brain frazzle around the holidays be the reason you've packed on an extra 15 pounds by January.

Don't be the victim of your own negative thoughts, this time.

And who knows, it could be the start of a new healthy habit all year-round!

Don't worry, we've thought of this. (Very common question.)

​Most people who come in find out that it has been so simple all along to stay healthy, but many times we just need some support. We tend to not want to make these changes alone.

Let's get you going on this program and taking full advantage of our 14 Day Help For The Holidays, and if you want to continue I'll do something real special to help you get through December 31, 2016!

What is the PERFECT workout

I get a few emails a day from people asking me advice on what the best workout is or what they should do.
They want to know if our Bootcamp is the perfect workout plan, or if they should be doing P90x, Insanity, Crossfit,Orange Theory, ninja training, A 5K app, Yoga, powerlifting, a bodybuilding routine, or more and more cardio.. etc… and of course that is followed by "what should I eat?" Unfortunately, all programs tend to present different information, require different things of you physically, and make an effort to present themselves as superior to all other training routines.
So, if you know me, you know I have a nice little answer for that...but it might not be as full of my unique sense of humor as you might think....normally I answer with something they probably don’t want to hear...
"Ummm, let me ask YOU a question before I answer....what it YOUR goal?"
This is what you should really be trying to answer first
The BEST workout and nutrition plan is the plan that you actually follow through and stick with....and the reason you stick with it, is because it is meeting your goals...
The best coaching, training plan, and/or diet plan based on your dietary needs doesn’t mean ANYTHING if you don’t actually follow through with it.....but if you don't even know what your goal will get no where real quick...
and here is where we begin to dismiss a lot of programs....
If you enjoy participating in 7 different methods of structured exercise, that's can do pilates Monday, Zumba on Wednesday and Crossfit on Friday...enjoy :-) but does this meet your goal? might...but does it?
No one in our Bootcamp is training there to get better a competitive figure skating or long distance running...that is just not what we do
So...Who is Your Daddy and What Does He Do?

What is your goal..... is what you want to answer first and the BEST way to get there can be outlined right after...

Friday, November 11, 2016

The 41 nutrients you need every day!

Hey Everyone, Rafael here with some questions?
Do you know what..
"*The 41 nutrients you need every day are

*Are you getting enough quality calories?

*The biggest difference between people who eat for performance vs. people who eat for health." 

So when ever I talk to someone about there eating, I always ask where they got there information...what I mean is...are you taking advice from a co-worker, a friend, your sister...her roommate in college that lost weight once drinking salted cucumber water for breakfast?

Are you following a nutrition program based on solid information, science or at least real data???

So...when I put together a meal plan here is what I base it on
You need 41 nutrients everyday
15 Vitamins
15 Minerals
8 Essential Amino Acids
2 Essential Fatty Acids
and oh yeah...Water (your body is kind of made of it)

I also think about how many calories YOU need (not me, YOU) there are a bunch of way to calculate calories...and a lot of different theories..all need to be looked at

I also think about your goals, the way you feel and your performance vs just the idea of eating healthy 

Now if I am thinking about all those things when I think about your food...YOU SHOULD TOO...

I think you should eat like you are trying to get a perfect score on your blood test, like you are ready to run an Olympic race, like are competing in a fitness event and like you want to live forever....

Not sure what that means or how to do that...that's what I'm here to help you with....In the mean time, I will suggest doing this right away...take the right kind of nutritional supplements because I guarantee you are not getting the nutrients you need from food alone


Acai Berry, VITAMIN B-1, and Kyäni

A lot of you are not sure what is in Kyani..I want to use this space to help you understand what's in it..


Kyäni Sunrise™ contains many health-promoting vitamins and trace minerals including:

Encourages the body to detoxify
Maintains a healthy heart
Promotes a healthy nervous system
Converts proteins, carbohydrates, and fats into energy
Kyäni Sunrise™ contains 3 mg of Vitamin B-1 per 1 oz. serving.

Acai Berry

Heart Health. Similar to red wine, research shows that acai berries are extremely high in anthocyanins, a form of plant antioxidant associated with the ability to lower cholesterol levels in the blood stream. They are also rich in plant sterols that provide cardio-protective benefits to our cells

Aids in Weight Loss

Known by nutritionists as a super-food, acai may help us not only lose weight, but maintain a healthy weight. One interesting study from the National Institutes of Aging found that pulp from the acai berry had the ability to reduce the negative effects of a high-fat diet in laboratory studies on flies.

Among 10 more benefits that you can feel free to research

Monday, October 17, 2016

Need a new fat burning workout?

Happy Monday, October 17th

Are you in need of a new fat burning workout in the Miami Lakes and Hialeah area...try this one
Warm Up

Set your interval timer for 30-seconds ON, 15-seconds REST and complete 2 rounds of the following. Between full rounds, rest 30-seconds...
Reverse Crunch
Bicycle Crunch
Leg raises

Round 1

Set your interval timer for 30-seconds ON, 15-seconds REST and complete 2 rounds of the following. Between full rounds, rest 60-seconds...
Push Ups
DB Single Arm Rows R
DB Single Arm Rows L
Band Flys
DB Floor Chest Press

Round 2

Set your interval timer for 30-seconds ON, 15-seconds REST and complete 2 rounds of the following. Between full rounds, rest 60-seconds...
Bent Over Band Rows
Band Chest Press
Wide Push Ups
High Band Rows
Plyo Push Ups


Set your interval timer for 45-seconds ON, 15-seconds REST and complete 2 rounds of the following. Between full rounds, rest 30-seconds...
Squats, Push Ups and Burpees


So  SQUATOBER is here and I plan on adding a lot of SQUATS to our workouts

Now for ALL the guys that just said "Not For Me"

Did you know The SQUAT is known as the king of all exercises. It is a challenging exercise that works all your lower body muscles and makes you stronger; according to strength coach Jim Smith writing for, squats induce muscle growth all over your body. Squats are also credited for increasing testosterone levels. However, to get this hormonal boost, you need to perform the exercise at the appropriate intensity.

Let me translate guys, You want bigger arms and a bigger need to SQUAT...period!

Now I want to use this to officially announce SQUATOBERFEST

Squatoberfest is Saturday October 29th at 12pm

Location: 2400 W 80th St Unit #7
Hialeah Fl 33016

Cost Per Person: $20

60 Minute Legs and Glute Bootcamp
Come experience a variety of leg and glute tightening, shaping and toning exercises.

It's Not Just Bootcamp
No One Does What We Do

Wednesday, August 31, 2016




Friday February 24th 8:00pm
A Friday Night Workout Party
2400 W 80th Unit #7
DJ PHANTOM Playing Live
FREE Sports Nutrition Supplement Samples
*Wear Your Favorite BLINGED OUT or NEON Workout gear and come ready to Workout*
$5 per person
Loud Music, Lights, Healthy Workout recovery drinks for everyone

Sunday, August 28, 2016

28 Day Challenge Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of people have inquired about our next Beginner Bootcamp and 28 Day Challenge

What is the 28-Day Challenge? 
The Beginner Bootcamp is something that goes along with our system of fitness progression, the workouts last 45 minutes and include a full body workout, and a different one every time you come to class, so your body doesn't get used to it and you don't get bored.

What is included?
* 28 Days Nutritional Plan
* 3-4 Forty-Five Minute Group Training Sessions / Week
* Access to Private Facebook Weight loss Support Group
* Weekly Weigh-in for Accountability
* Before/After Pics and Body Measurements
* Group Setting Geared Towards Beginners

Do you have to come everyday and/or do you have to make any appointments?
No and No..the goal is for you to participate at least 3 times per week...any 3 can be Sat and Sun plus 1 weekday. It can be 6:30am Tues and Thur plus Sunday...You do not need to participate in the same classes every week and you can come more than 3 times if you like

Is this for Men and Women?
Yes we have both male and female participants

What if I have never worked out?
We all need to have a 1st day, the idea behind this is to help you get in shape, not for you to dominate the workout....

What will I be able to eat?
The meal plan will be easy to follow, the goal of a real eating program is for you to be able to do it, for it to be easy, for you to use food as fuel, not for you to be hungry...and if we need to make modifications like gluten free, or vegetarian we can do that

Do you need to buy supplements? 
No... Supplements are not food, however there are things the body needs that are important like Omega 3's (fish oils) and a Multi Vitamin that would be great for you... We do not have any for sale at the gym but can recommend what we think would work best. But again, you do not need to buy any

What time are the classes?
5pm Mon Tues Wed Friday
6pm Tues and Fri

7pm Tuesday
6:30am Tuesday and Thursday

8am and 9am Saturday
11am Sunday 

What is the Location?
5061 NW 159th St
Miami Lakes Fl, 33014


Do I have to Pay upfront?
Because we have limited availability your spot will only be secure once you have paid

Can I attend Orientation before I pay?
Yes, however, spots are limited so you can come, and here everything that is going on, and if you decide to join Saturday you can as long as we have room

Orientation is Saturday and We start on Monday!!

What If I Can't go Saturday but want to join?
No problem, click on the link to join, I will email you everything we cover on Saturday and you can start anytime

How do I sign-up? 
You can register and sign up for the program using a credit card by clicking here
if you would like an electronic invoice just let us know and I will send it.


Please feel free to ask any questions you may have

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself in Miami Lakes?

If you live in Miami Lakes, There is a lot more to goal setting than just picking a goal and moving forward. While that is important, it’s also important to ensure that you are setting the right goals at the right time so that you can truly be successful. In order to ensure that you are setting the right goals for yourself, answer the following questions:

Are You Setting Specific and Realistic Goals?
It takes a little research to ensure that a goal is realistic. If you’re not sure if something is actually achievable then you’ve not done enough research. Once you’ve set a goal that is indeed realistic, then you need to be specific enough in your description of it so that it’s also easy to take the goal, and work backwards to create a schedule of actions needed to succeed.

Are Your Goals Multifaceted?
Focusing on only one part of your life is a bad idea. People live multifaceted lives and need to make goals for all areas of their lives in order to feel successful. If you have a wonderful business and career but your personal life suffers, then no matter how successful you are, you will not feel successful. Something will always feel as if it’s missing from your life if your goals aren’t inclusive. Therefore, make sure your goals include something from each aspect of your life.

Is Your Scheduling Representative of Real Need?
Once you create the schedule for yourself to reach each goal that you’ve set, you need to truly consider how representative it is of reality. Say your goal is to be healthy and reduce your cholesterol by 10 percent in six months. But, you haven’t set aside the time needed to exercise and eat right. If you don’t schedule in the time needed, you won’t succeed because something will always be in your way taking time away from you. It will be very frustrating to practice your schedule because it doesn’t represent reality.

For instance, if you are going to exercise 30 minutes per day, setting aside only 30 minutes isn’t going to be realistic. You’ll probably need to set aside an hour to account for getting ready as well as cooling down or getting cleaned up to go back to work.

Are You Learning from Failure?
Many times when setting goals and schedules, instead of learning from failure, people give up. Using the example above, once you implement your schedule to reach the goals that you have set, when you notice there are things you’ve forgotten to take into account, don’t give up. Learn from the failure and change the schedule to be more realistic.
You might find that in practice you have to rewrite all your goals and your schedule, but this is perfectly acceptable. Many people believe failure is something negative, but the truth is, if you don’t fail sometimes you’re not going to learn much and it’s likely your goals are too easy.

Do Your Goals Represent Your Needs and Wants or Someone Else’s?
A lot of people set goals that represent what someone else wants instead of what they want. This can really cause a lot of bad feelings and resentment which can derail the best laid plans. As you set your goals for your life, ask yourself if they’re really what you want for yourself or what someone else wants for you. Ask yourself if you’re okay with any goal you make being for someone else before you embark on your journey.
It’s okay to do things because of someone else, but it’s important that you are honest about that and make some goals for yourself too that don’t involve anyone else’s needs or wants.

Are You Checking in Often to Stay on Track?
Schedules are very important to the success of reaching any goal in life. To do lists pale in comparison to a well laid out calendar of tasks and activities that get you from point “A” to point “B”. Ensure that you look at your schedule every morning and every night and note when you succeed on sticking to your schedule and where you don’t. Noticing a pattern of activity can be helpful in fixing a poorly written schedule as well as staying realistic about whether or not you’re sticking to the plan.

Are Your Goals Focused Positively?
When writing a goal it’s important to write them in a positive way, or at least a way that feels positive to you. In the quest to improve your life, try writing down a goal and then changing the words to sound more positive to see if it isn’t more motivating. For instance, “losing weight” seems like a good goal, but for some people it might signify deprivation. So instead, the person might frame the goal as “improving my BMI by 10 points” or “improving my cholesterol by 10 percent.”

Do You Have Too Many Goals Set at One Time?
Just as setting too few goals can be a problem, so can setting too many. Everyone has a personal life and a career life and points in between. If you have set goals in too many areas of life at once, you might tire yourself out and get overwhelmed. Instead pick one personal goal, and one other type of goal to focus on until you reach them, and then you can add more goals as time goes on. You don’t need to do everything today. Slow and steady wins the race is a good motto to hang on to.

Setting the right goals for yourself takes some thought and consideration. Don’t try to set all your goals in one day - instead, set some goals in different stages and in different areas of your life and give a lot of thought to why you’re making the goal in the first place.

Join us at FitranX South Florida,  we can help you