Thursday, September 30, 2010
My Personal Battle with Hypertension
I'm back but before I get into it I have a quote...or 2
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.
Charles Darwin
So if you have not gotten an email or text from my girlfriend Natalie in the last few days..let me bring you up to speed.
Last week I had a really bad scare...the things I preach about the most eating right, exercising and taking care of yourself came back to bite me.
Hypertension is the term used to describe high blood pressure.
Most of the time, there are no symptoms. Symptoms that may occur include:
Chest pain
Ear noise or buzzing
Irregular heartbeat
Vision changes
I had all of them! and ended up in a Hospital bed for almost 10 Days..they kept me in mostly because I refuse to take drugs..
There are many different medicines that can be used to treat high blood pressure, including:
Alpha blockers
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
Calcium channel blockers
Central alpha agonists
Renin inhibitors, including aliskiren (Tekturna)
A big buffet of meds IS NOT what I wanted...So simple to stress level was SUPER eating caught up to me..and I got a BIG scare..
Well my blood pressure is back to normal and I'm cleared..I have a check up tomorrow..and will be BOOTCAMP ready by Monday!
So all classes are ON...I will send homework between now and then...Do it because I'm coming back with a vengance..and you don't want to get stuck
We will have make up days for the 6 sessions missed..I promise
Also with the New website I will try to consolidate all my emails so you don;t get so many of them..but honestly sometimes i send them 2 or 3 times because people say they didnt get them..or it goes to your junk folder and I want to make sure you dont miss out.
Thank you to everyone for the Emails and Texts..and Thank you for being understanding
Rafael Moret,CSCS, NASM-Cpt
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Remembering 9/11 and more fitness results
It's Saturday September 11th... and while the tragedy that happened 9 years ago affected all of us, many of you don't know I remember the day so clearly.
For many reasons, at the time I lived in Jersey City NJ, right across the Hudson River..My little one was not born yet but was on her way, as a matter of fact we had an OB/GYN appointment that day and I had a ton of sessions scheduled...I remember turning on the TV and watching the fire a thinking "Wow some A**hole crashed into the Twin Towers again! So I stepped outside of my apt. where I could see the towers..and thought man people should really be more careful...and just like that I saw the other plane crash in..WOW, it's still so vivid in my mind..I could see the people jumping from my apt balcony...more than that..I used to work at the WTC for "The Fitness Co." which managed the gym inside the World Trade Center..I used to take that train every morning when I was in college because at one point I worked at the GNC that was just a block away..
I went to Work that day, because still at this point no one realized what was going on...and of course ran home as soon as word spread of the attack. But I also remember the togetherness the we experienced in that area..everyone was a bit nicer, a bit more patient, and even started to realize that you should take care of yourself all the time...NOT just when your dress or pants don;t fit or if you need to get into a New pair. But at the gym I managed we had a BIG increase in memberships..people who were in the rush rush took time to do something that would benefit them...not just a quick fix once again...
I have some many options to help people get in shape...and it's because I try to accommodate every one's needs. I have been collecting some before and after pictures from some of the people using my products...
1. Sandy Durfee, Age 47
Lost 10 pounds, 4 inches in waist and 3 inches in hips
“Even though I had always enjoyed exercise and made it a priority in my life, my weight had continued to be an issue. It seemed that over the years I gained weight, not just from the birth of each of my children, but also from my poor eating habits. I began to dread my doctor visits as each time I was warned that I was at risk for high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. My doctor kept telling me that it didn’t matter how I lose weight, as long as I take it off. This only scared me into unhealthy bouts of dieting. I tried Atkins, Trim Spa and other diets pills and juice diets but after each not only was I heavier, I also felt worse! I had no energy, I hated the way I looked and I was depressed. My life was no longer mine to control.
I had a new grandbaby and I so desperately wanted to play an active role in her life. I finally decided something needed to change but I was unaware of what to do. I enrolled in the 14 Day Fat Flush and I was on my way. I learned everything from how my body works and what I need to eat to be strong and healthy. The best part....It was surprising easy! I am never hungry and I eat more now than I have in years! I now understand why Ii gain weight if I deprive my body of what it needs. I enjoy my life and feel in control. I feel great and look wonderful. Thank You for saving me!”
The Meal PLan and Workout Program for 14 Days is $157
You do NOT need to come to my Bootcamp...I will email you the meal plan and's yours to keep forever
2. Larry Singleton
Lost 24 pounds and 5% Body Fat
Got my meals and Workouts delivered right on my phone
3. Melanie Coleman, Age 19
Lost 25 pounds and 5% Body Fat
“Diets were never my thing. I’d go on one, get hungry and give up, pig out, and then gain more weight than I lost. It was hard to get motivated while my skinny friends could eat whatever they wanted and not gain a pound. Nevertheless, I knew I had gained so much weight over a year that I had to keep trying.
When I first started Maximize Your Metabolism and BOOTCAMP ( ) I was reluctant, because I loved my sweets and Fazoli’s was almost an every day thing. However, I was relieved to find out that I could create menus according to what I liked (minus the processed and junk food) and I would get to eat six meals a day. I liked the healthy food I was eating and I felt good about myself after I ate it.
Doubt surfaced again when I wasn’t losing as much weight as I thought I would. I thought that all diets are supposed to work fast. Then, my fitness coach reminded me that this wasn’t a diet I was on, it was a lifestyle... a permanent change. The difference is that after the Maximize Your Metabolism, I’ll keep the weight off and keep it off by making helping choices (opposed to starving myself).
There’s no healthy short cut to losing weight. After my metabolism and my body adjusted to the drastic change, the pounds and inches melted off. My self-confidence progressed and that forced me to keep going.
I’m not sure I could have ever pushed myself to the extent that I did without the help of my Fitness Professional. Twenty-five pounds lighter.... I feel thinner, happier, and healthier. With the exception of a few Hershey kisses now and then I don’t even miss my old eating habits. I’d take wheat thins over Pringles any day.”
Bootcamp Works!
The Meals and workout helped me keep it off when I moved out of town:
"Thanks to everyone for their pictures, it really helps to see when people just like you are getting results!!!"
Rafael Moret,CSCS, NASM-Cpt
Friday, September 10, 2010
Easy Lose Weight Fast Advice
Well it looks like we have some target dates to hit..Halloween is coming, Thaksgiving, and Then All the Winter Holidays...
Bootcamp starts Sept that we are back to school and on the eve of all these's time to focus on YOU..
{*AND I HAVE A NEW INDOOR Class Starting on Tuesday at 5:30pm in Pembroke Pines (7909 Pines Blvd) it's a 45 minute Fat BLASTING Workout (call me for more info)}
Of corse how do you decide what program to pick..Jointhe gym, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, PX90, many options..
Well I will be uploading some before and after pictures of some of the people that have joined my program..and all of them started just trying it out..that's it just trying it.
I have a 14 day Fat Flush program for you to get your feet in an try out our program for 14 days with eating plan included:>>>
After 14 days if you feel this is for you we can figure out how will this best fit you, and if not,,I Guarantee you will at least have gotten a good workout. check it out:
My partners over at Prograde love helping you make your life easier. And this new article they just released is further proof of that.
If you're looking for easy advice on how to lose weight faster, well, look no further than this:
Yours in health,
Rafael Moret,CSCS, NASM-Cpt
PS 14 Days you can change EVRYTHING:
PPS - You don't have to lose weight faster, but when it's this easy...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Results don't lie
Why? because I think your Body can change in 14 days and She had The MOST IMPORTANT Event of the Year.
So she need results quick and I knew I could Help..
You see she is a Professional Bellydancer and Instructor, and This weekend was the Miami Bellydance to her this means 1 THING..she needed to be in the BEST Shape..
Why? #1 she is the host, #2 she would be teaching in front of hundreds, and #3 she would be wearing an AWESOME costume in front of Thousands of people.
So here are the RESULTS:

Now if you would like to get your hands on the Same 14 day Program she used I am re releasing the program Just the Meal Plan will be $97
The Meal PLan and Workout Program for 14 Days is $157
You do NOT need to come to my Bootcamp...I will email you the meal plan and's yours to keep forever