Wednesday, December 29, 2010

30 Day New Body Project


CAUTION: Only 18 (MAX) Individuals Will Be Selected

Do You Qualify to Be One of Them?



With 2010 winding down - you might be considering what you are going to

do to take your body and your health to the next level.

Quite frankly, I foresee in the next year (and beyond) that it will be even

more important to continually surround yourself with the right kind of information,

with the truth and with positive mindsets. It's my firm belief that the major shifts in the health and fitness industry occurring right now are the 'new normal' regardless of how much BS is out there. And the people in our group, collectively, will be in the best position to take advantage of these changes,

burn the most amount of fat, and develop NEW lean muscle tissue.

I look around the classes and my one on one clients and see Bodies changing and people getting healthier and having a better quality life style.

Many of which are having their best years ever. I don't think it's a coincidence or accident.

And I'd like to invite you to join us those people...if you qualify.

First off, you must already be SURE you want to change the way you look.

You must be certain that you are tired of being tired and feeling weak. You must be sure and ready

to take action and do the things you need to do to make those changes in your body you want.
The 30 Day New Body Project brings together 19 (18 of you + Me) , forward-thinking people with one transform the way they look in just 30 DAYS

For 2011 we do NOT think we need to waste anyones time and drag out results we have Now figured out can happen in weeks...Not months.

We're going to plan EVERY meal over the 30 Days, Delver the Most effective workouts that don't take 2 hours to complete. Track everything that we are doing, every meal, every workout, and MOST important interact everyday during the 30 days.

You can Join Here for just $397

Originally I thought of just testing this out on myself, but it's January and I know a lot of people wait till this time of year to make changes in the way they look, in the way they eat and try to embrace a new health lifstyle.

I have been researching for months, testing over and over..and NOW I know for sure I have found the answers I was looking for.

This will not be a fun and games diet and exercise plan. This will be the most advanced eating system I have created. That's why I am doing it too.

This is NOT for people who don't want to burn fat quick and might seem unconventional to some..

But guess what, what everyone else is doing works..but take months.

I want to go to Mexico in the I need to burn fat and build muscle in 30 days.

So here it is an invitation to you to join the Group and transform the way you look in 30 Days

I will send all of the DATA via email..The meals, the workouts..we will communicate everyday.

I need to know what you are eating, I need to know if you are hungry, I need to know how much fat you are burning.

I will be ready to answer all you questions, and will create an email just for the group in the program.

Some might say $397 for a 30 day meal plan is to much..well that's NOT what this is and this is NOT for them.

You will have access to everythng I have for 30 days, You will have access to me for 30 Days, Your body will be changing and that's what you are paying for..RESULTS.

I originally thought of pricing this between $500-$700...and I will..but I have an intro price for those who are READY to take action and get in NOW

Join our group of 18 Strong for Just $397..price goes up to $500 Saturday January 1st

So if last years resoluions were a bust, do yourself a favor and invest in YOURSELF


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My 2011 Fitness predictions

Well well,

I'm back in the USA and ready for 2011.

So for weeks now I have been in the lab, with a pen a pad...wait no..that's a song

For weeks I have been researching..reading, and observing..looking to see what I am going to do to kick it up a notch and stay ahead of the trends in 2011..but before I reveal my predictions lets see what else is being predicted:


Looking for the hottest fitness trends? Try sweating through a boot-camp workout class. Or lifting weights. Or doing exercises to strengthen your stomach and back.

"Boot camp, strength training will top 2011 fitness trends" Says:

  • Buddy system: Many of us have a fitness buddy that pushes us to run faster, longer, and more often. Picking up on the benefits of a support system, gyms will start offering peer groups and increase its number of class offerings.

  • Most popular workouts: What people loved in 2010 will carry over into next year: boot camp-style workouts, Zumba, and TRX Suspension training will continue to be sought out, and interval training will get a big push in 2011.

  • Small-group workouts: Expect smaller classes next year, and this is a good thing. Your instructor will be able to give you more attention, and you'll be able to form a tighter bond with your fellow classmates.

  • The Amercican College of Sports Medicine says:

    1. Educated and experienced fitness professionals.

    2. Fitness programs for older adults.

    3. Strength training.

    4. Children and obesity.

    5. Personal training.

    Now my predictions..(The UNCENSORED Version )

    Prediction #1

    People are going to continue to spend their hard earned money on BULLSHIT that doesn't work. Late night infomercials, diet pill scams, the diet of the week...all things that dominate the 10 BILLION dollar Fitness market on things that don't work...They will continue to make things that make you feel like you are fetting something done when you and them know you are NOT

    Prediction #2

    People will continue to waste money on liposuction... Guess what even if you have the BEST plastic surgeon in the world, you will still have shitty eating habits, and you still won't be exercising they way you need to to get the results you want.

    The average cost of liposuction $2,000-$10,000

    Liposuction Cost Range:

    Average Total Cost: $8,500
    Surgeons fee: $5,000
    Anesthesiologist: $1,200
    Facility fee: $1,700
    Hospital fee: $600

    Prediction # 3

    Physician referrals. This one is a BIGGIE!! Physician referrals, a key component of the Exercise is Medicine initiative, partner medical professionals with heath and fitness professionals to seamlessly integrate exercise into their patients’ lives.

    Prediction # 4

    Customers will get smarter...if you hire a plumber to fix your sink, you expect your sink to be fixed. If you hire a trainer to help you lose weight, you should lose weight. No more excuses a trainer should deliver and clients should also be willing to work. That means that you should stop lying to yourself if you are stuffing PIZZA in your mouth everyday for lunch and going to the gym and spending more time worrying about your attire than your workout

    Prediction #5

    Expect highly qualified and experienced fitness professionals to charge more. You want better results, higher quality fitness in your life, and over all better quality of life..then you should expect to pay more. And you should expect more..and be willing to work more. Yes my friends a REAL fitness pro will not charge you $10-$15 per session to train you if he or she the other way

    Prediction #6

    No more games...I predict I will deliver more fitness results in 2011 that EVER before. I will also demand more from the people that want more this year...That mens I will make you work if you are one of my clients..

    I think we are all tired of the "SAFE"'s time to break through..I'm looking to do things that are not 20lbs of Fat loss in 30 Days
    “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

    “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.” —Richard Feynman

    My New Year Resolution is to Deliver Real Results...Fast...but I need to Test to make sure I deliver the BEST to you..

    Who am I going to test these things out on first? ME!

    Now, this email is going out to a couple thousand people and it will be on the blog...and I'm sure some of you might be thinking "Hey, I want to do that, I want to start 2011 and get results fast too"

    So I will be changing what the Best Fat burning diet will be defined as, and I will changing what effective fat burning workouts look like...this will NOT be fun and laughs..but it WILL work.

    You want to do this with me? I think I might take 10-15 people on this journey with me..

    I will be doing this with you and we will share results with each other...I will do all the work, the research, plan diets, and workouts..(yes I will charge for this) all you have to do is follow the instructions and report the results to me. Not sure what I will charge yet but I don't want any slackers in this so expect to pay between $500-$750 for this 30 Day program..but I promise you this: By January 31st you and I will be LEANER.

    If you are interested in being a part of this, email me or comment on the blog and I will get back to you



    DO you have a comment or question...leave it below

    Rafael Moret,CSCS, NASM-Cpt

    Wednesday, December 15, 2010

    (Fitness Bootcamp) Daily Deal

    It's Hump Day...Twas the Night Before Christmas and all throught the house, Not a creature was...(something something) not even a mouse

    I think it is something like that...anyway so here we are Daily Deal Wednesday!

    So it's almost gift time and ALMOST New Year resolution time....

    So every week I try to get creative with these Daily Deals..and Today I have some really cool Specials for the people that would like to get serious with there fitness goals and for the ones that might want to give or recieve fitness as a gift.
    "A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided." Tony Robbins


    Now purchasing A month of Bootcamp might be a Great Idea...but are you really going to get All of the fitness results you want in 30 Days..

    Listen I won't lie...if you are commmmmited a lot can change in 30 Days...but truthfully 12 weeks is a more realistic aproach to Totally transforming the way you look.

    So we have done this before, and the one who took advantage of it were very HAPPY..Normally Bootcamp is $257 for 4 weeks, so 12 weeks would run you $771.00

    So Today You can Get 12 weeks of Bootcamp for Just $497.00 and I will throw in a Free Fat Blasting 28 Day Meal Plan so you can kick butt right away.

    *(If you get this as a gift,I will make arrangements to Send you the gift Certificates, they can start as soon as tomorrow or Hold it till January)


    1 on 1 Coaching...

    "If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real. Have you made a decision to lose weight and get fit? Great, what are you going to do about it." Tony Robbins

    Try One-On-One Fitness Coaching

    This one is a No Brainer..You can get 10 Sessions for $550 (for 1 person) but here is the kicker..for Every 10 Sessions you buy I will give you 2 sessions for FREE

    So if you pay for 10 you get 12

    If you buy 20 sessions you will get 24 and so on

    "People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals - that is, goals that do not inspire them." Tony Robbins

    *(If you get this as a gift,I will make arrangements to Send you the gift Certificates, they can start as soon as tomorrow or Hold it till January)


    This One is for SERIOUS Individuals ONLY..

    Have you Ever Considered Committing to 6 Full Months of Personal Training?
    "For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent."
    Tony Robbins
    Do you think it's out of reach?

    Well How about 1 session a week for 6 months for just $997.00

    Well the 1st thing you might think is what is one session a week going to do?

    Well 1 session a week will kick start your workout, 1 session a week can be used for planning your whole week, 1 session a week can be used for nutrition counseling...

    The Point is You are Committing for 6 Full months that every week you will be held accountable, and Every week for 6 month you will have an appointment to meet with me and we will discuss how we can get you to your fitness goal FASTER!

    Commit to yourself!

    1 Session a week, every week for 6 months$997.00

    Saturday, December 11, 2010

    Out with the OLD

    From: Rafael... Personal

    If you watch too much news, you may find yourself in the corner of the shower, cold water pouring on you, bottle of bourbon clutched in your hand - mewing.

    Nuts to 'em. You know how the World can get up off its hind legs? If a bunch of us get busy and eat better foods. Have better workout.We will Lose a helluva lot more weight!

    WHAT IF YOU could have a NEW metabolism?

    I say: out with the old, in with the new. Let's take a big damn bulldozer to all the mediocrity and ordinariness, and silly excuses we have been making.

    I'm gonna tell you a story about YOU.

    Over the years, You have eaten a lot of Good foods..and you have also eaten a lot of BAD foods.

    Day in and day out, month after month, these Foods have built up in your system and YOU have created a Traffic Jam:

    This traffic Jam has slowed down YOUR metabolism. So even when you have tried to "diet" it has not worked as well as you wanted it to.

    I know what you might be thinking...but yes YOU to have a history of eating bad foods and as a result have clogged your metabolism.

    It is NOT age...the ONLY thing that age has to do with is that...YOU have been doing some damage for longer than when you were younger.

    So Solution time...How do ca I make your metabolism Super Fast:


    and I can make it happen in 10 Days

    That's why I decided to make the 10 Day Metabolism Jump Start and Detox Diet

    The plan is easy to follow and SUPER effective. The First thing that we do is Get rid of all the OLD clogging that you have. We will flush it all out in 1 day. THEN I will little by little reintroduce macro nutrients (that's a fancy term for food groups).

    What does that do? It teaches your Body how to process each food group individually. After so many years of food combinations and disaster meals, this is the sure fire solution to speeding up your metabolism.

    So we repeat this process every 48 hours and at the end of the 10 Days you are eating full meals, and YOUR body has a New understanding of how to process these food faster.

    How cool is that?

    And you don't need to go anywhere..We do ALL of this through EMAIL.

    Well on top of that I will send you workouts you can do at home (via email), and I will send you a Meal plan you can follow for 2 weeks after your 10 day Jump start is over.

    So I have 11 spots still open and I can tell you I interact with each person all the time so I really can't take more than 20.

    Imagine all those people asking question about there meal plan, me training clients all day..I could never get to 20 is the Cut off.

    You can get the 10 Days for $77 and we Start MONDAY..that means you should be 10lbs lighter before Christmas

    You can Lock you spot by >>CLICKING HERE<<

    It's 10 Days to a new Metabolism..after years of bad food choices. Do it for YOU
    So you can get the 10 day program >>here<<


    Thursday, December 9, 2010

    More Diet Pills (Contrave)

    Hi Everyone,

    Read this, that came out yesterday...and then Join Bootcamp

    (HealthDay News) -- An expert advisory panel recommended on Tuesday that Contrave, a new weight-loss pill that combines an antidepressant with an anti-addiction medication, be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

    The 13-7 vote in favor of Contrave came amid agency concerns that the drug might raise blood pressure in some patients and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes among some users, according to the Associated Press. But panelists voted 11-8 earlier in the day that those potential health risks could be studied after Contrave was approved.

    The FDA does not have to follow the advice of its advisory committees, but it typically does. The agency is expected to make a decision on Contrave by Jan. 31, the wire service reported.

    Contrave is manufactured by Orexigen Therapeutics Inc. In October, the FDA voted against approving two other weight-loss drugs, Arena Pharmaceuticals' lorcaserin and Vivus' Qnexa, because of safety concerns, according to the AP.

    Last July, a study funded by Orexigen and published in The Lancet found that Contrave helped users shed pounds when taken along with a healthy diet and exercise.

    People who took the drug for more than a year lost an average of 5 percent or more of body weight, depending on the dose used, the team said.

    However, the regimen did come with side effects, and about half of study participants dropped out before completing a year of treatment.

    Contrave is combination of two well-known drugs, naltrexone (Revia, used to fight addictions) and the antidepressant bupropion (known by a number of names, including Wellbutrin). The drug appears to boost weight loss by changing the workings of the body's central nervous system, the researchers said.

    The study enrolled men (15 percent) and women (85 percent) from around the country, ranging in age from 18 to 65. They were all either obese or overweightm, with high blood fat levels or high blood pressure.

    The participants were told to eat less and exercise, and they were randomly assigned to take a twice-daily placebo or a combination of the two drugs at one of two levels.

    After 56 weeks, only about half (870) of the more than 1,700 participants initially enrolled remained in the study. Almost half (48 percent) of those who took the highest dose of naltrexone lost 5 percent of their weight or more, while only 16 percent of those who took placebos did.

    However, about 30 percent of those taking Contrave experienced nausea, the study authors say, and other side effects included headache, constipation, dizziness, vomiting and dry mouth.

    Still, Contrave may give people struggling to lose weight a new option, the researchers contended.

    The Lancet findings echo those of studies into other diet drugs such as Meridia, Xenical and Alli, said Lona Sandon, an assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

    "When these are combined with a modestly reduced calorie diet, modest amounts of weight loss are achieved," she said. "One striking thing to note is the study drop-out rate of 50 percent. This may have been due to side effects of medications, the fact that it is hard to stick to dietary changes for 56 weeks, or [the fact that] slow and only modest weight loss did not meet participant expectations."

    Cynthia Sass, a New York City-based nutritionist and author, added that drugs used to treat addiction also appear to help with weight control, supporting "the notion that food can be addictive for many people."

    An accompanying Lancet editorial noted that one concern is that blood pressure did not drop as much as expected in the higher weight-loss group. "More data are needed to get a better overall assessment of cardiovascular risk of this otherwise promising combination therapy for obesity," wrote Professor Arne Astrup, a nutrition expert at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

    More information

    For more about weight loss, visit the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


    Stop trying to take pills...Workout and eat right


    Monday, December 6, 2010

    Pre and Post workout Meal

    "Discover How to Utilize the Most Important 60 Minutes of the Day, Priming Your Body to Burn Calories 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week While Building Lean, Rock-Hard Solid Muscle, and Catapulting Your Athletic Performance Through the Roof... Using the Exact Formula of the Most Determined Fitness Enthusiasts and World's Most Elite Athletes!"

    Dear Friend,
    If you've been struggling to break through the barrier that's been holding you back, whether it's to gain a competitive edge, build muscle, shed fat, or simply have more energy...
    And you're trying to do it through your nutrition program...

    You could be making a HUGE mistake...

    Many people know that nutrition is the key to achieve the results they want. You need to consume balanced meals and spread them throughout the day. That's a no-brainer. But what many people don't know, or tend to forget, is that the absolute Most Important meal of the day is the recovery (or post- competition) meal.

    Within the first 60 minutes of finishing your workout, you should consume a meal consisting of a precisely formulated mixture of fast-absorbing carbohydrates combined with high-concentration proteins. Get this wrong and ...

    Suffer the Consequences

    Deprive your body of the nutrients it needs immediately after your workout, and you may as well flush your training efforts down the toilet. Your performance will suffer the next time you train, you'll likely lose muscle along the way, plus you risk destroying your fat-burning metabolism, losing 20% of the gains you otherwise would have made. The simple fix is to consume a precisely calculated meal immediately after your workout to support your goals - whether it's burning fat, building muscle, or dramatically improving your athletic performance.

    ... and most people fail to consume the most important meal of the day because of one or more of the following reasons:

    1. They don’t have time to prepare a workout recovery meal. Let’s face it: in today’s fast paced world, who does? It’s downright difficult to remember to pre-cook and pre-package a meal the day before, then remember to carry it with you to the gym every single day. Those that tried to “cook as you go,” found it extremely difficult to rush home to prepare food within the time frame needed to reap the rewards of a post-workout meal. So at best, their post workout meals were really late (providing no real benefit) or were skipped altogether.
    2. They hate eating cold cooked meals. There’s nothing worse than finishing up your workout or training session then sitting down to a cold, nasty chicken breast. Frankly, it’s dry and disgusting - might as well be eating mud. And for those who “could” force down cold meals, they could only do it for a short amount of time. The unappetizing taste usually made them begin to dread even looking at the food anymore.
    3. They can't stand the taste of 99% of all meal replacement shakes. Pick up 10 different meal replacement shakes off the shelves, and 9 out of 10 will be downright disgusting. Many taste like watered down chalk water disguised as a protein supplement - or worse. The very thought of drinking this stuff has most people cringing.

    Does any of this sound familiar?

    ...if you answered, "Yes," pay close attention to what we are about to reveal to you. Because there is a very extraordinary post-workout formula about to be unleashed - And We Guarantee You Don't Want to Miss the Boat.

    Introducing Prograde Workout

    "The Most Complete, Scientifically Proven, Field Tested Workout Recovery Formula Ever Created, to Dramatically Improve Recovery Time, Build Muscle and Send Your Athletic Performance Into Super-Overdrive!"*

    • Protein blend containing the highest quality protein available today

    • Precise protein/carb mixture for optimal results

    • Road tested

    • Delicious shake takes less than 30 seconds to mix

    • Perfect post-workout meal on the go

    • Rapid absorption designed for maximum muscle recovery

    • 200 Calories, 14gms protein, 31gms carbs: it takes the guesswork out of planning your post- workout/activity meal

    • A formulated 2:1 blend of quick digesting carbohydrates to protein

    Here's just a glimpse at what this mind boggling formula will help you do:

    • Prime your metabolism to burn calories 24 hours a day, 7 days a week*

    • Dramatically improve your recovery time to never enter a gym dead-tired again*

    • Increase your lean muscle within weeks* 

    • Prep your body to burn calories like a smoldering hot furnace*

    • Save time with its easy absorbing formula

    • Never have to eat a cold chicken breast again

    • Break through plateaus that catapult you past your personal records week after week*

    • Make your life easier: This delicious post-workout formula is easy to carry with you to the gym

    • Use this simple formula immediately after your workout to help turn your body into a muscle-building, calorie-burning machine

    • Powder so fine that you can even use a spoon to mix it with

    • Generate energy that will make even a 20-year-old envious *

    • and much, much more...

    GO TO:

    And take the gues work out of planning your pre and post workout meals

    Friday, December 3, 2010

    3 Hormones for fat loss

    By John Romaniello, New York’s Premier Fat Loss Expert and the creator of the Final Phase Fat Loss program

    It seems like most fat loss programs focus on one main thing: to burn fat, you have to expend more energy than you take in.

    Such a focus makes sense of course, because if there is a universal truth to fat loss, that’s it.

    This is what we call “energy balance.” In order to lose fat, you have to create what we call “energy debt” or “energy deficit” – that is, eliminate the balance and instead be on the negative side of the balance scales.

    Of course, that works very well for “beginning” fat. However, success doesn’t last forever.

    As anyone who’s ever been on a diet and exercise program of any kind can tell you, at first it’s pretty smooth sailing. Eat less, do more, lose fat.

    And then it stops! And as those same people can also tell you, it usually stops suddenly.

    Of course, the first instinct people have is a very natural one…to simply do more of what was bringing them success in the first place.

    So they eat even less and do even more.

    And…have no results.

    You see, what these people fail to realize (and what most fat loss programs fail to address) is…

    After a certain point, simple energy deficit no longer covers the tab.

    It becomes more about what type of deficit.

    Speaking generally, you actually have to eat closer to maintenance calorie levels (instead of far below) and expend more calories through exercise.

    Even then, things don’t always happen as quickly as you want.

    You see, once you’ve hit a fat loss plateau or when you’re trying to lose the last few pounds (like I was when I was dieting for the beach house), fat loss becomes less about energy balance and more about hormones.

    You see, some hormones, such as Leptin, actually control the majority of your general fat loss efforts and all of the factors thereof: appetite, satiety, “starvation mode.” However, assuming you’re eating enough and trying to create an energy deficit through training, Leptin isn’t the issue.

    In Final Phase Fat Loss though, you’re never on a severe diet, so you don’t have to worry about Leptin.

    There are other hormones however, which are a bit more insidious in their effects on your physique. They don’t just determine IF you gain fat – they determine where you gain it, and whether you’re able to lose it from those areas.

    Those “problem” areas on your body are there for a reason.

    “Problem areas” are created by your hormonal environment, and it’s your hormones that force your body to have particular fat storage patterns.

    In this article, we’re going to talk about the three most common types of regional fat storage, and the hormones that cause them.

    Back Got Back: Low Body Fat Storage

    One of the most common types of fat storage that we see in women is the “pear shape” – fairly thin on top but heavy on the bottom (and IN the bottom, if you know what I mean).

    This is so common that we often refer to a “pear shape” as a body type. This is true to an extent, but this type of fat storage is also heavily dependent on the female sex hormone estrogen. This is one reason why you see this type of fat storage primarily in women.

    High levels of estrogen are awesome for enjoying Grey’s Anatomy and makin’ babies, but terrible for fat loss – which is why women usually have more trouble losing fat than men.

    However, anyone—male or female—with high estrogen levels will have trouble losing fat, especially from the lower body. In essence, the higher your estrogen levels, the greater the likelihood you’ll store fat in your lower body; mainly in the hips and thighs.

    And yes, it IS possible for men to have high estrogen levels. Unfortunately, outside of having to deal with a declined rate of fat loss and lower body fat, these guys ALSO have to deal with the ignominy of man-boobs.

    On the whole, estrogen related fat storage is a pain in the butt (get it!?) but it is not completely unmanageable. You see, you can offset this phenomenon with certain types of training.

    No worries, ladies (and gents!), I’m here to help.

    In addition to helping you lose fat stored in the lower body, these specifically designed workouts will also be great for fat loss in general. Essentially, they’re great for burning calories and for shedding lower body fat through estrogen management. Combine the two and the result is rapid fat loss, with a heavy concentration on lower body fat stores.

    Muffin Tops: No Love for the Love Handles

    NOT This One:

    THIS ONE>>

    Probably my least favorite incarnation of regional fat storage is love handles and lower back fat. This is, of course, because I personally suffer from such.

    Even when I am in lean condition – I’m talking shredded pretty much everywhere else – I store some fat in my love handles and lower back. It used to take me an extra 3 weeks to get rid of it!

    The reason I tend to store fat this way is because of how my body reacts to certain hormones, and because of the effect those hormones have on fat storage.

    When I was a fat kid and ate lots and lots of goodies, I screwed by my endocrine system a wee bit. Nothing too serious, but a decade of eating rapidly digesting carbs followed by, well, more rapidly digesting carbs, made my insulin spike and crash and spike and crash all over the place.

    On top of making me fat in that immediacy, it also completely had a pretty negative effect on the way my body processes and handles insulin period.

    The degree to which you are able to process and respond to glucose (sugar) in your body is called insulin sensitivity. The higher this is, the easier and more efficiently your body utilizes carbohydrates for energy, and the less like you are to store carbs as fat.

    On the other hand, insulin resistance is the opposite; you don’t deal well with carbs. And anything other than a low carb diet pretty much means you’re gonna hang on to some fat.

    And, to make matters worse, as I mentioned previously, there are regional effects. It’s been shown that people who store fat in the love handles are generally very insulin resistant – and therefore it can be reasoned that insulin resistance leads to love handles and lower back fat storage (which of course, means that insulin resistance makes it very hard to lose fat from that area as well).

    I’m sure many of you out there who have been heavy before are experiencing much the same problems that I used to have.

    The good news is that insulin resistance (and the resulting regional fatness) can be mitigated with certain types of training. For example, with careful planning and selection of exercises, you can start to whittle away at your love handles and lower back fat while you increase insulin sensitivity.

    The better news is that I’ve figured out a specific series of training sessions that will do just that.

    The One, the Only: Belly Fat

    Without question, the most common type of regional fat storage is belly fat. If this isn’t you, it’s someone you know.

    Abdominal fat storage obviously has a lot to do with your diet and overall body fat level; that should be obvious but it never hurts to touch on it.

    Outside of that, it’s hormones baby, hormones.

    The one we’re talking about here is cortisol. This hormone has been in the media a lot in the past few years, and I’ve talked about it a bit, so by now you know that cortisol is sometimes called a “stress” hormone.

    That moniker is more appropriate than you know.

    Basically, that means your body will produce cortisol (and encourage belly fat storage) under conditions of nearly any type of stress – both emotional and physical. So to combat cortisol, it’s not enough to just get more sleep or stop drunk dialing your ex-girlfriend (although that helps, I’ve heard).

    Instead, it is of far greater effect to combat cortisol through resistance training.

    Now, if you’re observant, you may have noticed what seems to be a contradiction.

    As I said, cortisol is also produced through physical stress. In fact, training is actually one of the primary means through which your body will produce this sneaky little hormone.

    Additionally, because cortisol has been linked to overtraining and has a catabolic (muscle wasting) effect, producing too much of it through training is certainly counterproductive.

    It’s important to note, however, that long duration cardio and extended lifting sessions are what produces the most cortisol, and I always recommend against those.

    Instead, short, intense training sessions using a particular type of training modality will help to counteract the effects of cortisol; both the muscle-wasting effect and the cortisol related belly fat storage.

    Are you ready to fight these hormones?!

    YOU SEE ALL THIS? Still Think you don't need coaching?

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    Lose a pound of fat in a day

    Happy Friday,

    If you are like most people, you probably spend hundreds (if not thousands of dollars) on products that simply didn‘t produce any results.

    But the truth is, there is really only ONE way to accelerated pure fat loss, and that is to...

    <<< A Pound of Fat

    Create a Massive Calorie Deficit Through Calorically Expensive

    Workouts and SMART Low-Calorie Intakes.

    Let‘s do some simple math. Don‘t worry; there is no need to take out your calculator. We‘ll try to keep it simple.

    A pound of fat is 3,500 calories. To lose a pound of fat, then you will need to create a 3,500 calorie deficit. You got 7 lbs of fat to lose? Make that 24,500 calories. There is no shortcut around that.

    Based on that number, we know that fat loss occurs when the body is in a negative calorie balance (in other words, when you are burning more calories than you are consuming).

    You see, your body

    loves being comfortable. If it had its' way, you'd lie on the couch all day catching potato chips with your mouth, watching the latest episode of Survivor. If you did that, nothing would threaten its survival. You'd be comfortable and you'd be happy.
    On A Moderate Calorie Days you should consume 13 x Lean Body Mass in calories with a macronutrient breakdown of 30% Protein, 40% Carbohydrates, 30% Fat.

    But today we want to create a MASSIVE calorie deficit by combining calorically expensive workouts with a strategically timed low-calorie intake (increased fat loss).

    Today we are having a low Calorie Day where you’ll consume 8 x Lean Body Mass (Your weight) in calories with a macronutrient breakdown of 35% Protein, 15% Carbohydrates, 50% Fat.

    SO this is the Sample:

    8:00 am

    10:30 am

    1:00 pm

    5:00 pm

    7:00 pm

    10:00 pm

    – Pre-bed Snack (P+F) – Dinner Meal (P+F) – Post Workout Shake (P+C) – Lunch Meal (P+F) – Mid-morning Meal (P+F) – Breakfast Meal (P+F)

    And Now a 1, 000 Calorie Burning Workout, Provided by Workout Muse:
    The 1,000-Calorie Burning Workout

    Boxing Intervals: Alternate between 3 minutes of work and 1 minute of rest. Perform up to 15 total rounds for a 60-minute workout.

    Station#1- TRX Squat Sequence Complex

    Perform 1 rep of each of the following movements and repeat this cycle for 3 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition:

    1- TRX 2-Leg Squat Variation
    2- TRX 1-Leg Squat Variation (L)
    3- TRX 1-Leg Squat Variation (R)

    Station#2- Bodyweight Succession Complex

    Perform 6 consecutive 30-second work periods for 3 total minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition using the following exercise order:

    1- Side Pillar Variation (L)
    2- Side Pillar Variation (R)
    3- Push-up Variation
    4- Lunge Variation (L)
    5- Lunge Variation (R)
    6- Squat Variation

    Station#3- Partner Density Training: “I go, you go”

    Partners will continuously alternate in an “I go, you go” format between each of the following exercises for 3 straight minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition:

    Partner#1- Battle Ropes Waves Variation @ 20 reps
    Partner#2- Push-up Variation @ max reps for time

    Station#4- Full Turkish Get-Ups*

    Perform a full Turkish Get-up, switch sides, and repeat for time. The goal is to get 1 full rep every 30 seconds and 3 full reps/side in 3 minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition.

    Station#5- Swings and Slams Density Training

    Perform each exercise in the following superset for the prescribed number of repetitions with zero rest and transition between movements for 3 straight minutes followed by a 1-minute rest and transition:

    1- Kettlebell Swings Variation (or KB Sumo Deadlifts Variation) @ 10 reps
    2- Med Ball Slams Variation @ 10 reps

    Perform this 20-minute cycle up to 3x for 60 total minutes

    Now maybe some of this makes sense and maybe it does not.

    But there is science behind the training methods we use. We have numbers to back it and there is reasoning too.

    Today is the LAST Day to get The Daily Deal of the week here:

    You can get one of the spots in the 10 day Coaching program and The new 90 Diet makeover...and more
