Friday, December 1, 2017


Pay attention to all of this...
Well we are all moved in...and we had our 1st class at the new place yesterday...and we will be there 5pm, 6pm and 7pm tonight!!
We are opening up 6am classes starting next Tuesday...and while there are still a few things to get done...we are more than ready to deliver fat burning workouts...

Come down and see the new place!!
(This post is from cartergood in instagram, make sure you follow)

Now...Isn't it interesting how obsessed we get with losing weight?
Seriously, a LOT of people will start their day happy or sad based entirely on the 3-digit number they see flashing back at them each morning.
But what's even more interesting than our obsession with losing weight is the fact that "weight loss" isn't always the most useful marker of progress. You see, there are a buttload of things that influence your daily & weekly body weight...​​​​​​​
🍕 A higher/lower salt intake than normal
😷 Food Intolerances
💁 Where you're at on your cycle
💦 Hydration Levels
💩 You need to take a poo poo
🥘 Food content still in your belly
🌡 Hormones
💊 Supplements
🏋️‍♀️ DOMS from your heavy workout
The list could go on and on and on...
You know what you don't see on that list? FAT LOSS❌
Reason being, fat loss doesn't happen over the course of a day or even a week (well, it does *technically*, but not in a very noticeable or meaningful way). Instead, fat loss happens over the course of multiple weeks and months 📆
So really, it's just a matter of understanding that weight loss and fat loss are not synonymous. Once you realize that, you can start taking steps that'll put the power of the scale back in YOUR hands.
1️⃣ One way is by taking measurements.
Soooooo many things influence your scale weight, which makes it difficult to know if you're making progress. But if you're losing inches, even at the same weight, it’s a good sign you're losing fat!
2️⃣ Another tip is to start analyzing your AVERAGE weight over the course of weeks and months.
How to do it —> take your weight in the morning each day and... "For The Love of God!" [in Chris Farley voice], don't worry about the number you see daily!
At the end of the week, add 'em all up and divide by seven. That'll give you your weekly weight average, and over time, you want to see that weekly average trend downward 📉
The Bottom Line ✅: don't let your daily and weekly fluctuations in body weight discourage you. It's totes normal and it does NOT reflect fat loss progress.

Now what do you do?

What if you want to make some changes and start getting some RESULTS

What if this is exactly what you are looking for...what if you need more help...what if you have been trying lots of things and no results...what if you are stuck..what if you have questions that can't be answered in an email...

Well how about a FREE consultation...yep..1 free consultation (which I normally charge $95 for)...come in, lets schedule an appointment...let's talk..let me see how I can help...You don't need to be a member of our bootcamp and you don't need to join...

I just don't think people should keep trying things that don't if you would like to set one up..just reply and I'll let you know what time works
+ Oder your Kyani today!!!
Nourish your body—inside and out.

Master Trainer Rafael, Head Coach

2420 W 78th st
Hialeah Fl 33016

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