Saturday, December 9, 2017

It's a HoliDAY NOT a HoliMONTH


I read this on Ed Mylett 's  instagram yesterday and it is so so so so so TRUE:

"My Christmas is a HoliDAY NOT a HoliMONTH !!! December is By far the easiest month of the year to smash your competition. And remember, your ultimate competition is really chasing down the highest version of you! While everybody else uses Christmas as an excuse to cool it for days ,weeks and the month, you know it’s ONLY A DAY and you’re gonna bust your tail the rest of December and make giant gains! #maxout ."

So stop using the HoliDAY as an excuse as to why you are quitting on yourself this month...

I know at Bootcamp we moved the gym in just 4 days, we have no water we had no power, no equipment on our last day in Miami Lakes, no problem, no days off..we didn't close for a second.....

I have a lot of plans for our new gym, our new home...and I want to make sure we keep the conversation alive...

Our Facebook page can sometimes get we have a new one just for you reading this, for our awesome bootcamp family for all the super heroes that come workout with us here:

and even a new page we can be friends at here:

So I look forward to bring some kick a$$ workouts and more cool things to you

Till then, eat your food, drink your water and take your vitamins

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