Achieving a goal is ONLY a momentary change...
Imagine you have a messy room and you set a goal to clean it. If you summon the energy to tidy up, then you will have a clean room - for now.
But if you maintain the same sloppy, pack rat habits that led to a messy room in the first place, soon you'll be looking at a new pile of clutter and hoping for another burst of motivation. You are left chasing the same outcome because you never changed the system behind it. You treated the symptom without addressing the cause.
I see this happen often...even with the people I see knowing how many calories or macros is great...but the execution is different and so are YOUR habits.
So let me tell you what happens on TUESDAYS...but before I do, I have to work backwards
Friday rolls around...there is a social lunch, or out of the ordinary dinner or even planned outing...
That's cool
But then Saturday comes and it's breakfast or lunch out...very little movement
Scale hasn't moved much..and it shouldn't...not enough time went by
Sunday...wake up later, very little water, little movement...more foods that don't go with your goals...because goals are momentary and habits set in
But maybe you do workout a little cause you are trying to do the right thing
Monday..weight is up a little..but not to much, but now you are back on plan
So you eat your food, drink your water, but because you didn't over the weekend, now your body is retaining some...
And here is wake up heavier
See you do that enough times..and 1 of 2 things will happen...the weekdays will become more like the weekends because you think it's not worth the effort - scale keeps going up - or you catch you behavior and patterns and the weekends become more like the weekdays as your habits change - you move closer to your goal
Our friends Brian and Carrie have a saying "THE STORY YOU TELL IS THE TRUTH YOU KNOW"
If you tell yourself that you are committed because you had grilled chicken and brown rice for lunch on Wednesday, but you don't acknowledge the rest of your meals and your mind you eat healthy, follow your diet..and if you happen to get a walk also believe you workout all the time
"THE STORY YOU TELL IS THE TRUTH YOU KNOW" do we correct it...unfortunately no pills or magic
and Adults like things quick...right???
So you correct it but adjusting a little bit at a you don't need to workout 7 days per week..but how about 4 days per week
No you don't need a gallon of water but how about the 8 glasses they say you should drink to start
No you don't need to eat out of Tupperware, but how about a little thought go into how you fuel the body the carries you around, takes you to work and keeps you alive...
Not sure how to do it...that's ok...
I'm not a mechanic so when my car needs help I don't ask instagram or youtube, I go to a mechanic
We are here to help...Virtual Workouts, Nutrition Coaching, Private Coaching (online), Contest Prep, and more
All you have to do is decide you want to do it
Hope that makes sense
Coach Rafael