for some reason I see a lot of bootcamp trainers confusing variety with randomness.(is that a word)
Adding "variety" to your programs is can be changing an exercise,a grip,changing tempos,adding a game finisher, and the list goes on...but this is working within your clients goal oriented Programs...
Consistently taking action and readjusting your goals when necessary is crucial to keeping the momentum going throughout the year....and just in time to spice things up....
This sample below is from the Fall Bootcamp Program... incorporates "Giant Sets" and different work/rest tempos..and it's a great way to get the Bootcampers to Fall Back In Line:)
Note: You can swap out exercises and tweak to your style and group.
Chapter 3: Complex Workouts (Weeks 7-9)
Week 7
Day 1
WARM UP and CLOSER/Finisher included in workout separated by work:rest tempo
Round 1 30:30 work:rest
Round 2 40:20 work:rest
Round 3 50:10 work:rest
DB/Band Curls
DB/Band punches
DB squat into press
KB single arm swing R
KB single arm swing L
Double KB fwd Lunges
Band tricep Kickbacks
Band fwd tricep extension
Box step ups
Chapter 3: Complex Workouts (Weeks 7-9)
Week 7
Day 2
WARM UP and CLOSER included in workout separated by work:rest tempo
Round 1 30:30 work:rest
Round 2 40:20 work:rest
Round 3 50:10 work:rest
Rope slams
KB squat
Tricep ext band
Rows Bands (or TRX/ Suspension Strap)
Chest press on Suspension strap
DB side laterals
DB curls
Jump rope
KB swing
Chapter 3: Complex Workouts (Weeks 7-9)
Week 7
Day 3
WARM UP and CLOSER included in workout separated by work:rest tempo
Round 1 30:30 work:rest
Round 2 40:20 work:rest
Round 3 50:10 work:rest
DB Side lateral raises
KB Alt Swing
Battle Rope Alt Slams (or Med Ball Slams)
Band Rows
Jumping Jacks
Pikes on TRX/Suspension Strap
Mountain Climber (or on unstable surface)
Alt Leg Side Lunges
Crunches/any AB exercise
Wide Sumo Squat
You can get the complete done-for-you Bootcamp Sysytem hin my book ere:
Have a great week!
Talk soon,
Rafael can come to our gym in Miami Lakes and Experience Bootcamp Live right from us