Let me first Say a Big TGIF!
Now have you ever had a friend or family member give you health and fitness advice? Well in the 15 years I have been a fitness coach I have heard alot of things. What I find funny is how high people place the opinion of what their friends and family think.
The first time I do a consultation with a client I ask a lot of questions, and the things I hear are pretty across the board. But the advice source is what I laugh at. Listen to this:
"My mom says I shouldn't eat after 6pm"
"My friend Betsy says I should take these pills to lose weight"
"My sister told me she know a friend who only eats apples and only drinks water and lost weight"
"My friend Becky says women that lift weight will get bulky"
"Protein shakes make you fat"
"My brother told me if I do 1,000 sit ups a day I will tone my tummy"
ALL NONSENSE...or a Deadly mistake, you have a friend or family member that's looks pretty good, and they say "Eat 4 raw eggs in the morning, take 2 scoops of my Super Shake, and only eat red onions for dinner" and you DO IT because they look good.
Where is your uncommon sense? Before you get all crazy..I'm not claiming to know Everything..yes I have a degree, and yes I have multiple certifications, and yes I have been successfully coaching people Since 1995 but I am always learning too. But what I'm trying to say is do a little research, there are a ton of qualified fitness professionals out there..WHY ARE YOU TAKING ADVICE from your friend Betsy or your cousins' mom?
I didn;t make up the rules on how your body burn fat but I sure do understand them..so do yourself a favor get professional advice from a professional.
Yes..that's me..
or Don't a keep getting the results you've gotten
***Now Super Cool Friday Time
Today I also have 2 Cool gifts for you..
First I have a 30 minute workout for you
2nd....if you leave a comment BELOW, I will email you a FREE Copy of "The 7 Steps to Skinny Jeans" ebook
or leave the comment on our New Facebook page >>>HERE<<<
The 30 minute workout
Warm-up: Mobility Drill
mobility drills take 5-7 minutes
Exercise | |||||||
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. 2. Tilt your head to the side until full range of motion is reached. Think of touching your ear to your shoulder. 3. Keep your head straight and facing forward. 4. Alternate with the other side and return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.30 Minute Workout Mobility Tip: Move gently to create length and increase joint lubrication. |
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1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. 2. Tuck your chin down to your chest keeping your back flat until full range of motion is reached. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.30 Minute Workout Mobility Tip: Move gently to create length and increase joint lubrication. |
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1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. 2. Keeping your chin level rotate your neck to the side until full range of motion is met. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat to the othe side. Repeat for the desired repetitions.30 Minute Workout Mobility Tip: Move gently to create length and increase joint lubrication. |
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1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. 2. Lift your shoulders up and roll them backwards and then down and forward. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.30 Minute Workout Mobility Tip: Rotate shoulders in both directions. |
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1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. 2. Holding your arms out to the side and straight bring them forward and cross over each other in one fluid motion. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.30 Minute Workout Mobility Tip: Breathe in as you expand the arms and out as you close. |
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1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. 2. Keeping your arms straight bring them behind your body and then up and over your head in a circular motion. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions. 4. You can also reverse direction and complete the movement swinging your arms in the opposite direction.30 Minute Workout Mobility Tip: Rotate arms in both directions. |
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1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. You can stand on a small step or on the ground. 2. Keeping your upper body perpendicular to the ground swing one leg forward and backward. 3. Do not swing your leg so hard that you can not keep your upper body from moving. 4. Repeat for the recommended repetitions and repeat with the other side.30 Minute Workout Mobility Tip: |
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1. Start by holding onto a secure object and raise your outside leg out to the side. 2. In a smooth and continuous motion swing your leg back and forth across the front of your body. 3. Swing through your full range of motion but keep your upper body stable throughout the movement. 4. Repeat for the recommended repetitions and then flip sides and repeat with the other leg.30 Minute Workout Mobility Tip: |
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1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. 2. Place your hands on your hips and rotate your hips in a circular motion. 3. Repeat for the desired repetitions and then switch and rotate your hips in the opposite direction.30 Minute Workout Mobility Tip: Stretch the hips out to the sides as much as possible and keep belly button tucked in as the hips go back then forward. |
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1. Step to the left with your left leg and immediately bring your right leg over and in front of the left leg and place it onto the other side of your left leg. 3. Proceed to bring your left leg up and over so that you are standing parallel again. 4. Continuously pick your right leg up and bring it behind your left leg onto the other side. 5. Continue to repeat this alternating pattern for the desired distance. 6. Repeat as recommended.30 Minute Workout Mobility Tip: This is similar to a grape vine so if you prefer to do that go ahead. |
30 Minute Workout Plan
Workout: Fullbody Circuits
Start with 15-20 reps of each exercise moving from one to the next without minimal rest between exercises (by minimal we mean 2-3 seconds). After you complete one full circuit rest for 60 seconds then repeat.
The first 6 exercises are for beginners and intermediates. The last 6 are for intermediates to advanced. Choose your set of exercises according to your current fitness level and not what you think you should be able to do.
Exercise | |||||||
1. Start by lying face down and placing your hands near your shoulders with your elbows pointing up. 2. Keeping your trunk straight press your hands into the floor so that your upper body and hips come up off the ground into a push up position. 3. Now you are in a modified push up position from your knees. 4. Bend your elbows so that your chest touches the ground and then repeat by returning to the top position.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Keep shoulders down and belly button draw in. |
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1. Start by placing feet shoulder width apart and holding your arms out in front of you. 2. Proceed to squat down like you are going to sit in a chair. Your upper body will lean forward slightly and your hips will shift backwards while going down. 3. Remember to keep your knees from going out in front of your toes while squatting. 4. Repeat according to your required repetitions. If you want to make the exercise more challenging hold your arms at your sides or behind your head.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Keep head up and shoulders back. No bending over at the waist or else. |
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Start with your legs side by side and your arms by your side. In one motion jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms raise out and up over your head. Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Stay light on the feet. |
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1. Start by placing yourself on your hands and knees. 2. Slowly raise your opposite arm and opposite leg and extend them out away from the body. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side. 4. Repeat for the required repetitions. 5. Always keep this movement slow and controlled.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Take arm out at an angle a bit, squeeze butt, and keep belly button draw in. |
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1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold onto a stationary object with one hand. 2. Raise the opposite foot off the ground and kick laterally out to the side. 3. Keep the leg and foot elevated and repeat according to the prescribed repetitions. 4. Repeat with the other leg.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Hang on to chair or couch for support. |
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1. Start by lying face down on the ground. Place your elbows and forearms underneath your chest. 2. Prop yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and forearms. 3. Maintain a flat back and do not allow your hips to sag towards the ground. 4. Hold for the required time limit or until you can no longer maintain a flat bridge.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Draw belly button in and keep head and shoulders relaxed. |
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1. Start by securing the band at chest level behind you and standing with your feet together. To have a more stable stance you can bring one foot in front of the other in a staggered stance(lunge stance). 2. Hold the band with your hands at chest level and your elbows back. 3. Press the bands out away from your body until your arms are extended. 4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the recommended repetitions.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Stagger the feet for better support and draw the belly button in to stabilize. |
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1. Start by stepping on the FitBand with both feet shoulder width apart. 2. Hold the FitBand at shoulder level with both hands. Start into a full squat while holding the band at shoulder height. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed repetitions.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Keep head up, elbows high, and shoulders back. No bending over at the waist or else. |
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Start with the jump rope in each hand. Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope under your feet. Continue jumping up and down as you bring the jump rope under your feet. When you are jumping and the rope is above your head swing your legs out to the side and return your feet together before the rope swings under your feet again. Continue for the prescribed number of jumps or time.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Stay light on the feet. |
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1) Secure door strap overhead at top of door. 2) Start position: Position hands overhead and shoulder width apart. Grasp handles with a neutral grip (palms facing each other) and lean trunk forward in alignment with the angle of the tubing from the point of attachment. 3) Pull handles down to approximately ear level, making sure you lead with the elbows and squeeze the shoulder blades together at the end of the pulldown. 4) Return to start position.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Keep palms facing down or in, relax the head, squeeze butt, and keep belly button draw in. |
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1. Start by placing a mini band around your ankles and standing with your feet parallel. 2. Keeping your hips level throughout the movement slide your left foot to the left about 6-12 inches or until the resistance is too great and then slide your right foot to a parallel stance again. 3. Repeat this movement for the desired reps or distance. 4. Repeat with the other leg. 5. Make sure you keep your hips level and do not hike your hip to left the lead leg. This will defeat the purpose of the exercise. It does take some time to master the subtle lifting of the lead foot and abducting it out to the side. Start with a light band until you have mastered the technique. Your foot should only raise just enough to slide it to the side which is like 1/4in.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Stick butt out a bit to target glutes more. Keep head and shoulder up. |
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1. Start in a plank position with your elbows and forearms on the ground, your body parallel to the floor and up on your toes. 2. Make sure your belly button is drawn in toward your spine and raise your hips up into the air and hold for a 1 second count. 3. Return to the starting and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.30 Minute Workout Week 1 Tip: Draw belly button in and keep head and shoulders relaxed. |
Cool Down: Yoga Stretches
Exercise | |||||
1. Stand up with toes together, heels apart. Inhale and sweep the arms up overhead. Exhale and fall forward, bend knees if you need to. 2. Place the hands on the floor, your ankles or shins. Inhale and look up, pulling your back up until it is flat. 3. Exhale and fall forward. Inhale and sweep the arms up as you come back to standing position. Exhale and take the arms down.Fatloss yoga workout tip: Bend from the hips and not from the waist. Keep the back slightly arched and not curved by pushing the glutes back. Bend knees a bit if necessary. |
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1. Get on your knees and place hands on the ground. 2. Start position: Align hands at nipple line, place feet hip width apart on toes, and extend the arms to raise body up. Trunk and hips should be in a straight line.Fatloss yoga workout tip: Keep shoulders relaxed, shoulder blades squeezed together and abs contracted. |
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1. Step out 1-2 feet with one foot. 2. Slowly push pelvis downward and forward until stretch is felt in front of back thigh.Fatloss yoga workout tip: Keep the abs slightly contracted and work on dropping the hip down while maintaining a line between the back heel and same side shoulder. Switch legs after 30 seconds. Be sure to keep front knee above heel and not toes. |
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1. Begin by lying on the stomach on the floor. Place the hands behind the shoulders and bring the legs out to the side slightly wider than hip-width. 2. Relax the buttocks and the legs. Inhale and push evenly down through the hands and lift the chest up towards the sky, gently arching the spine. Roll the shoulders back and down and away from the ears, look up towards the sky. 3. Do not allow the lower back to collapse down towards the floor. Stay connected to the core musculature by pulling the navel in towards the spine and lifting the pelvic floor muscles.Fatloss yoga workout tip: Contract the abs and keep the shoulder blades down and in to protect the low back. If straightening the arms is too intense try going up half way with bent arms. |
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1. Place the feet hip width apart and toes facing forward. Place the hands shoulder width apart and spread the fingers. Keep the tailbone lifted towards the sky and gently push down through the heels. Open the upper back by rotating the shoulder blades away from one another. 2. Keep the shoulders away from the ears and press down firmly through all fingers and thumbs. Spread the fingers push down through index and thumbs. Place more weight onto the feet than the hands. 3. Pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. Drop the ribcage down towards the spine. Lift the kneecaps up and contract the quadricep muscles.Fatloss yoga workout tip: Lengthen from the hips by squeezing the tops of the thighs and pushing the butt up towards the ceiling while pressing the heels down towards the floor. |
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1. Turn the right toes facing forward and place the left foot at a 45 degree angle. Bend the right knee until it is at a right angle. Inhale reach your arms to the side and look over the right middle finger. 2. Be sure to keep the hips and shoulders facing forward. Do not allow the right knee to fall in towards the center. Keep the shoulders relaxed and the tailbone tucked under. Pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles.Fatloss yoga workout tip: Sink the back inner thigh down towards the floor and maintain shoulder blades squeezed together. |
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1. Place the right knee forward and extend the left leg back. Make sure that the right toes are facing in on an angle and the left toes are pointed and facing down. Place the hands on either sides of the knee and shift the weight over to the left while lengthening the spine. 2. Square the hips and the shoulders. Move the right foot away from the groin working towards a 90-degree angle with the right calf. The right hip may or may not be connected the floor. The left hip is facing down towards the floor. If there is too much pressure in the knee, readjust the calf. 3. Only if you are incredibly flexible in the hip, start to work your chest down to the floor extending your arms out in front of you. Relax the head, neck, shoulders and face. Breathe into the hip and back body.Fatloss yoga workout tip: Keep the abs slightly contracted to protect the lower back and relax the shoulders as you lean forward. |
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1. Begin by sitting legs extended, bring the left leg over top of the right leg, foot flat on the floor and keep the right leg extended, lift the right toes up towards the sky, contract the right quadricep muscles. 2. Hug the right knee into the chest with the right arm and place the left hand behind the body. Look over the left shoulder and allow the breath to increase the stretch. 3. Maintain a straight spine, sitting bones rooted down towards the ground and crown working towards the sky.Fatloss yoga workout tip: |
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1. Place the right toes facing forward and the left toes at a 45-degree angle. Keep both legs straight. Inhale reach your arms to the side exhale lower the right hand down and lift the left hand up, look up. Lift the right kneecap up, tuck the tailbone under, pull the navel towards the spine and lift the pelvic floor muscles. 2. Keep the weight light on the right hand and keep reaching the left arm up towards the sky opening the chest. Lift the left hip up towards the sky. Lift the right kneecap up to contract the quadricep muscles to protect the knee. Feel as though the shoulders, hips, legs and head were against a wall. 3. Push evenly down through all four corners of the feet to energize the pose. Feel the body extending in five different directions.Fatloss yoga workout tip: Keep the butt tucked under in a pelvic tilt and press through the heels to support the inner thighs and abs. If you are aligned your back should be flat like a wall. |
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1. Begin standing in a forward bend position feet are hip-width apart toes are facing forward head and arms are relaxed down towards the floor. 2. Bend the knees and interlock the fingers behind the body. Now straighten the legs and reach the arms away from the body slowly, roll the spine up vertebrae by vertebrae until you come back to the standing position. 3. Allow the head to be the last thing that comes up. Keep the palms pressing towards one and other and the shoulders rolled open and back. 4. Repeat this exercise 5 times breathing smoothly and slowly.Fatloss yoga workout tip: Be sure to squeeze the shoulder blades down and in before you being to roll forward and bend from the hips. |
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