I hope you all had a GREAT week!!
I noticed it took 4 days to recover and decompress from our trip to Dallas..
Interesting point, people see their weight go up and right away they think it's something bad..
They panic and want to correct right away..
Chill Out...Let your body do it's thing.
Take responsibility for what you can control...your workouts, your food, your water and your rest/recover/sleep etc
I'll share my experience personally this week..Monday my weight was normal, but it shot up 8 lbs on Tuesday and by this morning it settled back down
Another interesting observation I made was, I didn't really drink as much water as I should this weekend and have been shuttling in 8 lbs of water (a gallon) every day since Monday and it took 4 days before I noticed that water was circulating the right way...
Again...stop rushing...THIS IS NOT A RACE...let your body do it's thing
which brings me to SORENESS
Let me give you a science answer and then I'll give you a practical one
Brett Contreras, Brad Schoenfeld any many others have said:
If you want to increase tension on the muscles to the greatest degree in the shortest amount of time, you'd utilize progressive overload without annihilating the muscle then recover as quickly as possible and repeat. You’d want to train hard but not create too much soreness so that you could repeat the stimulus as often as possible.
Muscle damage is most associated with novelty. Long length exercises and eccentrics create damage but the "repeated bout effect" prevents excessive damage from occurring. If you want to get the sorest possible, you'd just radically change up your workouts every session.
Tons of walking lunges one session. Dozens of sets of pause hip thrusts the next. An hour of nonstop band work the next. Then heavy ass squats and deads. This doesn't work well. Don't believe me? Give it a try.
You won't get strong on anything because you never repeat the same workout. You don't put more tension on the muscles over time so they don't grow. They stagnate.
Some soreness is fine. But too much is counterproductive. My clients who see the best results rarely get overly sore because they stick to the basics.
Again...stop rushing...THIS IS NOT A RACE...let your body do it's thing
People have a weird way of looking at exercise...Dripping in sweat means a good workout and super sore means a good workout.
Want to know what a good workout looks like...track your last one..repeat it
Was is better? Were you better? Did you do more?
You can squat 10 times with 100lbs on Monday
When you squat again..Can you squat 12 times? Can you do 105 lbs?
That is a good workout because you are progressing it.
Are you following a progression?
In our classes at the gym...I use variety in movement + increase work time + increase resistance where possible
So will soreness mean you are doing good?
Well if after reading all that you think so......maybe read it again ;-)
I wish you all a Good weekend
We have a few spots left in our NEXT 6 week Glute and Core workout
you saw we are adding some NEW toys just for that....
Friday Night at The Bar...or the MANS4MATION Workout...
This one is just for the guys..if you want to come train with me on Friday night..push the weight a little harder, push your body a little harder...
Let me know..I'll send you the details
That's all I got for today
Coach Rafael
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