Hey Everyone, Rafael
here with a guest post for you guys from Mike Whitfield...enjoy
Beating Workout Boredom
Mike Whitfield, CTT
Author, Metabolic Bootcamp Finishers
At the TT Summit, Craig Ballantyne and I put over 50 Trainers and coaches through a tough metabolic resistance training workout. Just when they thought the chaos was over, it was time to put them through a workout grand finale, aka "Metabolic Bootcamp Finisher". Sweat was pouring down like waterfalls and they loved every minute of it. As Craig brought me in for a special finisher, I could see the curiosity in their faces. It was time. The infamous "3's Company" finisher was going to be shared with the trainers, and you can use it with your bootcamp workouts too, for an epic grand finale that will have your campers raving about you.
Print this out and use this after your own workout or with your
The 3's Company Finisher
Finisher # 8 in the Bootcamp Finishers Manual <=
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 3 minutes,
resting ONLY when needed. When the 3 minutes is up, you're done.
Burpee/Spiderman Pushup Combo (3)
Lunge Jumps (3/side)
X-Body Mountain Climber (3/side)
Great times, no... great metabolic times.
You see, the finishers are where the real magic happens. This is when
your campers seriously get ADDICTED to working out and coming back
for more.
But more importantly, when you combine the power of YOUR
workouts and these metabolic bootcamp finishers, your campers
will get better and faster results, while having a lot of fun.
That's a win/win. How powerful is it?
Finishers helped me lose 105 pounds. You can read more about my story here <=
That's what finishers can do for you and your bootcamp
workouts. They are fun and addicting, bringing in dozens
of referrals week after week.
Not only that, but you'll also get the 14-day Bootcamp Fat
Torch program as well as Metabolic Switch, the power of
intervals and metabolic resistance training to get the best results
in minimum time, all while your campers rave about you.
You'll also discover:
The Metabolic Partner 200
The Spider Gauntlet
The Metabolic Chaos Countdown ... and more Smack workout boredom in the face <=
Rafael The Boot Camp Rebel
Beating Workout Boredom
Mike Whitfield, CTT
Author, Metabolic Bootcamp Finishers
At the TT Summit, Craig Ballantyne and I put over 50 Trainers and coaches through a tough metabolic resistance training workout. Just when they thought the chaos was over, it was time to put them through a workout grand finale, aka "Metabolic Bootcamp Finisher". Sweat was pouring down like waterfalls and they loved every minute of it. As Craig brought me in for a special finisher, I could see the curiosity in their faces. It was time. The infamous "3's Company" finisher was going to be shared with the trainers, and you can use it with your bootcamp workouts too, for an epic grand finale that will have your campers raving about you.
That's a win/win. How powerful is it?
Finishers helped me lose 105 pounds. You can read more about my story here <=
You'll also discover:
The Metabolic Partner 200
The Spider Gauntlet
The Metabolic Chaos Countdown ... and more Smack workout boredom in the face <=
Rafael The Boot Camp Rebel
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