Wednesday, October 11, 2023



Hello Everyone

So let's start at the beginning 
What goals have you set?
Is losing weight one of them?
Is losing fat one of them?
They are different, and it's weird how so many people want this, but don't actually know what it is....truth is most people can't really define the difference between one and the other
Isn't it interesting how obsessed we get with losing weight?
Seriously, a LOT of people will start their day happy or sad based entirely on the 3-digit number they see flashing back at them each morning.
But what's even more interesting than our obsession with losing weight is the fact that "weight loss" isn't always the most useful marker of progress. You see, there are a buttload of things that influence your daily & weekly body weight...
 A higher/lower salt intake than normal
 Food Intolerances
 Where you're at on your cycle
 Hydration Levels
 You need to take a poo poo
 Food content still in your belly
 DOMS from your heavy workout
The list could go on and on and on...
You know what you don't see on that list? FAT LOSS
Reason being, fat loss doesn't happen over the course of a day or even a week (well, it does *technically*, but not in a very noticeable or meaningful way). Instead, fat loss happens over the course of multiple weeks and months 
So really, it's just a matter of understanding that weight loss and fat loss are not synonymous. Once you realize that, you can start taking steps that'll put the power of the scale back in YOUR hands.
One way is by taking measurements.
Soooooo many things influence your scale weight, which makes it difficult to know if you're making progress. But if you're losing inches, even at the same weight, it’s a good sign you're losing fat!
Another tip is to start analyzing your AVERAGE weight over the course of weeks and months.
How to do it —> take your weight in the morning each day and... "For The Love of God!" [in Chris Farley voice], don't worry about the number you see daily!
At the end of the week, add 'em all up and divide by seven. That'll give you your weekly weight average, and over time, you want to see that weekly average trend downward 
The Bottom Line : don't let your daily and weekly fluctuations in body weight discourage you. It's totally normal and it does NOT reflect fat loss progress.
Now what do you do?
What if you want to make some changes and start getting some RESULTS
Do a better job at tracking...did you know all of my clients track their food daily?
Did you know that, that is just the 1st step?
In our program, we track how the food sits, how well it digest, if you are eating it all or not...all of it, and that in addition to the scale we know...are you doing the things you should be doing to get the outcome you BS
And when someone does EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING...and the scale is not moving, we look at other do your clothes fit, the body measurements in inches....and if nothing....we don't quit.
Quitting doesn't make it happen faster....we pivot...and we keep moving forward until we have the right set of solutions
Nope...not magic pills detox
But it works...and at the end...isn't that what we all want?
According to the latest weight-loss research at Ohio State, 95% of dieters end up regaining the weight they lost within two years. Calorie-restricting diets are often successful at helping people lose weight, but they're very unsuccessful at helping people maintain that weight loss.
So let me share some of our stats, cause not only do my people that stay the course not gain it back, they keep getting better...Imagine that, a plan that helps you keep improving
Mollie started in 2019...keeps improving

Monica started in 2018...keeps improving 

Julie signed up December 30st 2019...keeps improving


We don't do ANYTHING like everyone else


My clients have flexibility in their food, flexibility in workouts, we build in life around their program.


We don't even follow the rules of the program not working.


Think about it...95% failure rate for most diets, why would we do what everyone else is doing?


We do everything different.


I'm not worried about how long it will take, I'm concerned about whether or not you can keep it when you arrive.


If you are ready to make some real, permanent changes just reply to this email, if you want to keep trying the other 95%...we understand, we wouldn't want to ruin Ohio State's research


Coach Rafael 













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