Hello Everyone
This has certainly been a busy week. On Sunday night in a Private Facebook meeting we announce the end of TEAM4EVER.
For those of you that don't know what TEAM4EVER is, it's our Contest Prep Team and means or meant 4 (For) Every Vision Exist Results. And we
built this Team on the idea that getting on stage was something anyone can do and everyone that was interested should. It's a life changing experience in the best of ways. And for years we preached the idea of helping so many people reach that goal inside of the Vision they had...and it's been AMAZING, truly one of the greatest joys of my life.
But, it's time for something new, not just
for our TEAM but for us. Our Team has done so many things, and like anything else if you are not growing you are dying. So we needed to set up new challenges, new goals and new experiences for everyone. Everyone that comes to us is looking to reach that next level, that next version of themselves and of course then it all made sense.
The Next Level is what we are all chasing...think
about it, it's spreads across all things. The next race, the next belt, the next deal, the next show, the next promotion....it goes on...we are all chasing it.
So...say Hello to TEAM NXT LVL
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