Cool stuff today, I have a cool article on increasing your Metabolism with strength traing and I have a cool Boot Camp Workout you can try this weekend...
Here you go:
Strength Training
By Cassandra Forsythe-Pribanic, PhD, RD, CSCS
Q) I've heard that strength training increases my metabolism. How does it do that and will that help me lose weight?
A) Strength training, which involves using weights, bands, kettlebells or other forms of resistance that challenge your body to work harder than it does in everyday life, definitely does increase your metabolic rate. However, so does endurance exercise (such as running). The difference is how long and how much these activities boost your metabolism that really has an impact on your overall ability to lose body fat and/or decrease your weight.
Just so we’re all on the same page, let’s talk about the components of our metabolism:
First we have our resting metabolic rate, or RMR. This is the energy needed (quantified in calories) to keep our bodies alive – our heart beating, our lungs breathing, etc. Your RMR makes up about 60 to 80 percent of our total metabolic rate. The variation in RMR is due to individual differences among people, the foods we consume, and the activity we engage in which can directly change RMR.
Second we have the Thermic Effect of Activity, or TEA. The more active you are, the more your total metabolic rate will be increased. TEA includes all activity from mowing your lawn (with a push mower, that is), to playing basketball, to walking across the room. It’s not just structured activity, but also the activities that we engage in every day to live our lives.
Third, we have the Thermic Effect of Feeding, or TEF. This is the amount of energy expended to eat and digest food and use those nutrients to create more energy.
So our metabolism, known as total energy expenditure (TEE) = RMR + TEA + TEF. Each component is different for each person, resulting in unique metabolic rates.
Strength training increases our TEE by elevating the amount of calories expended in activity (TEA). The harder you strength train, the greater the amount of calories you burn through exercise. In turn, if your food intake does not highly exceed your needs and consists of quality choices, you will lose weight and body fat.
Interestingly, strength training also increases the amount of calories expended in your RMR. The reason it does this is by increasing the amount of lean muscle mass you carry, which requires more energy to maintain and repair than fat tissue.
Both strength training and endurance exercise will increase your energy expenditure at the time of activity, and for a few hours afterwards, when they are conducted at the same intensity (you all have experienced that increase in hunger after a good workout, whether it be strength or cardio work).
However, strength training is unique in that if you perform multiple sets of a challenging weight to failure, scientists have shown that the energy expended afterwards, known as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) can be elevated for 24-36 hours. Some people call this the “Afterburn” effect of serious strength training.
Overall, strength training can boost your metabolism, but it has to be more challenging than activities you do every day. You can’t expect 3lb dumbbells to make much difference to your metabolic rate if your children (that you carry around) weigh more, or your grocery bags are heavier. Your body needs to remember that strength training requires “strength” so you have to load your exercises accordingly. Otherwise your body won’t get the challenge it needs to build muscle, lose fat and look better in your clothes – and that’s what we’re all looking for, right?
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Week end Boot Camp Workout:
Bootcamp Workouts - Bodyweight Bootcamp Workout
The bodyweight bootcamp workout burns maximum fat in minimum time with bodyweight exercises and cardio intervals that boost endurance.
Start with the first 3 exercises. Do each exercise individually for the sets and reps indicated resting about 20 seconds between sets.
Continue with 4 minutes of cardio intervals alternating between 20 seconds of jumping jacks and 10 seconds of recovery (8 rounds total).
Continue with the next 3 exercises in a circuit for reps indicated and absolutely no resting between exercises. After your first round take a 30 second break then repeat two more times. Move on to the next set of 3 exercises and repeat then the last 3 set of exercises and repeat.
Take a 60 second break then finish up with 4 minutes of cardio intervals alternating between 20 seconds of squat jumps and 10 seconds of recovery (8 total rounds).
Exercise | ||||||||||||||
1. Start by placing your hands behind your head and your feet placed with a wide stance. 2. Shift your weight and hips to one side and squat down so that your hips drop down behind that foot. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat the same movement to the other side. 4. Alternate this movement back and forth until the desired repetitions are met.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: Shift your weight into your glutes and your heels and be sure to keep your elbows back. Shoulders should be stacked above hips and knees above heels. Take your time! |
Stand in an upright position and hold a weight plate in each hand. Raise one arm keeping it straight above your head. While bringing the arm back down start raising the other straight arm up over your head. Continue until the prescribed reps are completed.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: Do not use weights but do it fast. This is a warm up exercise to take rotation out of shoulders so they perform better during all the upper body work ahead. |
1) Begin movement by contracting chest muscles and joining elbows together. 2) Return to start position. 3) Remember to guide the movement with the elbows and not the forearm or hands.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: o not use weights but do it fast. This is a warm up exercise to take rotation out of shoulders so they perform better during all the upper body work ahead. |
Start with your legs side by side and your arms by your side. In one motion jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms raise out and up over your head. Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: 8 rounds of 20 seconds of jumping jacks and 10 seconds of walking in place for a total of 8 min. of fat burning. The 10 seconds goes by fast so pay attention to the clock. |
Start in a standing position and bend your knees and place your hands on the ground. Extend your legs back into a push up position. Bring your knees back in towards chest and stand back up. This should be a continuous motion and be fluid.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: |
1. Begin in the plank position hips, shoulders, head all in one line. Hands underneath the shoulders and feet hip width apart, navel pulled in towards the spine, pelvic floor lifted. 2. Pick the right foot up and float it across to the outside of the left foot, keep the abdominals contracted and inhale float the right arm up towards the sky. Be sure that the left hand is underneath the left shoulder. 3. Do not allow the left hip to drop down towards the floor. Spread the fingers of the left hand and push evenly down with all four fingers and thumbs. Keep the hips and shoulders stacked on top of one and other and look up towards the sky. 4. The right foot is back, the left foot is forward and the shoulders are relaxed down away from the ears. Lift the right leg up to the inside of the left knee, tap and lower. Do not allow the left hip to collapse down towards the floor. 5. Maintain a straight line all the way down from the left foot to the left armpit. Keep the right knee and the right arm pointing up towards the sky. The abdominals are the power center for this pose, so do not lean onto the wrist or the feet to support the pose. 6. Repeat on the other side.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: |
1. Start by placing your hands on top of your head and placing one foot on the slideboard or a "val slide". 2. Proceed to lunge by sliding your foot back until you reach full range of motion. Your front leg should be bent to about 90 degrees. 3. Return to the starting position by standing up using the front leg. 4. Repeat for the desired repetitions and then repeat with the other leg.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: |
1. Start by grabbing onto a bar that is 3-4 feet off the ground. Next place your feet on a bench. 2. Proceed to pull yourself up until your chest reaches the bar. 3. Extend your arms back to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: |
1. Start by placing your hands on the bench and then placing your feet on top of the ball. 2. Once stabilized proceed to bend your elbows until your arms bends to about 90 degrees. 3. Return to the starting position by extending your arms until they are straight again. 4. Repeat for the desired repetitions.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: |
1. Start by placing your hands on top of a stability ball and hold yourself in a pushup position. 2. Maintaining good balance raise your left leg up towards your chest and then return your foot to the floor. 3. Repeat with the other leg. 4. Keep your abs drawn in tight and control the leg movement.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: |
1. Start by forming a parallel plank position with both feet on top of the stability ball and your hands on the ground. 2. Holding this parallel position raise one leg off the ball maintaining the plank position. 3. Repeat with the other leg. 4. Remember to keep your abs tight and your hips level with the rest of your body.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: |
1. Assume back lying position on floor. Place hands at sides with palms down on floor. 2. Start position: Place one heel on top of Flexaball with knee slightly bent. 3. Raise hips off floor by pressing one heel into ball. 4. Return to start position. 5. To increase difficulty, raise and extend arms above chest.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: |
1. Roll out onto ball in a prone position. The ball should be under your shins. 2. Keeping your hips and body parallel to the floor (no sagging of the hips) bring your legs in towards your chest. 3. Remember to keep your trunk parallel with the floor. 4. Now rotate towards your left and repeat back and forth until the desired number of repetitions is met. The ball should pretty much stay in one place. Keep your body in a somewhat straight line and somewhat parallel with the floor.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: |
1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position. 2) Arms should be in the “ready” position with elbows flexed at approximately 90°. 3) Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground. 4) Explode vertically and drive arms up. 5) Land on both feet and repeat. Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) to ensure proper mechanics.bodyweight bootcamp workout tip: 8 rounds of 20 seconds of jumps and 10 seconds of walking in place for a total of 8 min. of fat burning. The 10 seconds goes by fast so pay attention to the clock. |
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