Rafael here....
I got this email from Jon Benson the other day...
With a few Client concerns:
"What's the biggest challenge YOU face when it comes to your
Let me tell you what my readers have told me in numerous
emails and surveys.
Their biggest challenges are probably the same as yours -- and
I'll be honest, they are NOT EXCUSES... they are REAL
challenges that MUST be overcome if you want to be fit, lean
and healthy.
Here's some actual letters from readers like you to me:
"Jon, I just don't feel like I have a plan when I walk into
the gym. I feel like I'm wondering about and don't really know
what exercise to do next."
"Jon, I have a good plan (yours!) but I can't afford a
personal trainer... and I'm not sure how to perform many of
the movements I know I need to do in order to shape up my
legs, butt, arms, and abs. I have some exercise DVDs but I
forget how to do the movements sometimes when I get to the
gym. Help!"
"Jon, I start my exercise program with solid intentions only
to let my work, my kids, and my life side-track me from my
goals. What do you suggest?"
"Jon, my problem is one simple, nasty word... MOTIVATION! I
know how to do some exercises but I'm sick and tired of the
same routine every month... day after day, week after week. I
need some variety and I need it YESTERDAY!"
"Jon, my only problem is getting to a gym. If I had a routine
that I could see (I do not like to 'read' about exercises!)
and one that I could do at home... wow, that would be a dream
come true. Can you help me?"
I just uploaded this video to that YOUTUBE thing..
Join Boot Camp for the Summer and SAVE $251

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