“But I Thought Muscle Weighs More Than Fat?”
I love this one. When someone is partaking in a resistance training program, and the scale starts going up, time and time again I hear, “Oh it’s okay. I’m working out, so I must be gaining muscle….and muscle weighs more than fat, so that is why the scale keeps going up.”
This is the type of thought-process that could actually potentially make you get FATTER. Let’s blow this one out of the water right now.
A pound is a pound is a pound is a pound…. no matter how you cut the cake. Remember that old riddle, “Which one weighs more: a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?”
Here’s what you need to know about muscle (and it’s relation to fat)
Muscle is what makes up your metabolism. How much muscle you have determines how many calories you burn each day. For every pound of muscle you have, you burn about 35-50 calories per day…. compared to every pound of fat on your body, you burn 1-2 calories.
In addition to this, muscle takes up about 1/3 of the space that fat takes up– not to mention it’s tighter, leaner, not as squishy. Trust me when I say that you would rather have a pound of muscle over a pound of fat any day!

So wouldn’t you rather get rid of some of that fat that is taking up so much space on your body and filling up so much space in your clothes and replace it with Lean Body Mass that looks smaller and takes up a heck of a lot less room? I sure would.
To conclude, I want to emphasize just how important it is to lift weights or partake in resistance training if you goal is fat loss or “toning up”.
Remember these crucial elements next time you want to skimp on the weights and just do the cardio…
■Resistance Training is the ONLY way to build muscle– cardio isn’t enough to do it
■Muscle is about 25X more metabolically active than fat, meaning that it burns about 25X the amount of calories when you are at rest– just sitting on the beach relaxing =)
■Muscle is denser than fat– it takes up about 1/3 of the space of fat
■Muscle is tighter, more firm, and not as squishy– it looks prettier
■Females are not genetically predisposed to get big and bulky. Ladies, don’t fear– pick up the weights.
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I Know What You May Be Thinking....
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