Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Do’s and Don’ts of Dining Out

You can dine out on occasion while remaining true to your goals. Keep in mind that portions are 3 to 5 times more than you need. The key is to plan ahead, choose wisely and you'll find foods that fit into your meal plan.

1. Order food to go – Studies show that people tend to consume more food when they are not eating at their own kitchen tables. Take home and have the option of providing a healthier side dish such as fruit or vegetables.
2. KNOW where you will go and what you will eat ahead of time. Use the internet.
3. EAT before you GO - have your regularly scheduled snack. When you avoid feeling famished you will eat less.
4. Avoid buffets – They are invitations to OVEREATING
5. CHOOSE Wisely - use the guidelines of the Menu Design Planner
6. Avoid the BREAD Basket - simply ask your server not to bring it
7. ASK how food is prepared – ask for grilled, broiled, roasted, poached or steamed
8. Don't be afraid to special order – Ask for your vegetables and main dishes to be served without the sauces.
9. Watch portion size – Servings can be 3-5 times more than what you need. Reduce the temptation to overeat by ordering a half-portion of your favorite dish OR ask for a box to be delivered with your meal and put half of each item in the box to be eaten later.
10. Share –Split an entrée and sample what you want while avoiding the temptation to overindulge.
11. WATER - Drink at least one full-glass of water before eating and throughout dinner. You'll feel full sooner, you will eat less.
12. Order an appetizer and a salad as your meal.
13. Front Load your meal with a nutritious salad or bowl of soup (broth-based) to take the edge off your appetite
14. Just Salad? Think Twice! Just because it’s a salad doesn’t mean it’s low in calories. O’Charley’s Salmon Caesar Salad is a cool 775 calories!
15. Order sauce and dressing on the side – Control calories and still enjoy the taste
16. Order first. You're less likely to be influenced by the choices of your companions
17. Take the time to enjoy your meal. Savor the flavors and textures of your food, and enjoy the company you're with. When you eat slowly, you give your body's internal clock the time it needs to know when you've had enough. When you're full, stop eating.
18. Save dessert for later – A great trick to play is instead of ordering dessert at a restaurant, go somewhere else. By the time you get there, you will not be as hungry and will end up eating half or even skipping dessert entirely.
Eating Right When Eating on the Run
Whether you're traveling or on the go at home, you don't need to give up your mission of eating supportively. In fact, supportive eating is more important than ever when you're trying to keep up with a hectic schedule.

Eating supportively helps your body withstand stress better. But as you're hustling to catch a flight or make a meeting on time, you're probably not thinking about making your next meal a healthy one. The following ideas can help you eat well when you are eating on the run.

Make your own healthy snacks portable and easy for on-the-go eating. Prepared ahead of time, they can be popped into a lunch bag or purse. You’ll also be thankful that you’ve saved yourself the cash that normally goes to vending machines or convenient stores. Your body will be grateful as well.
• Meal Replacement Shakes
• Apple and almonds
• Celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins
• Pita with peanut butter
• Whole wheat wrap with deli meat
• Low-fat cheese cubes and grapes
• Hardboiled eggs
• Trail mix (high fiber cereal, flax seeds, almonds, dried fruit)
• Vegetable sticks with hummus
• Yogurt and grape nuts
• Beef jerky
• Whole-wheat triscuits and low-fat string cheese
• Cottage cheese in mini-containers with a piece of fruit

1 comment:

Jay a.k.a. 'Dat' said...

Some good tips! If you get a chance, I would like to add your blog link to my list of links... I'm hoping you get a chance to hit me back... take care in the meantime!
