Sunday, February 26, 2017

Local Miami Lakes Trainer Writes The Book on Bootcamps

"Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few days, then you’ve probably been hearing the buzz about the 12 month Done for YOU Bootcamp Workout System."

Feb. 26, 2017 / Miami Lakes, Fl. Bootcamps and Small Group Fitness workouts have been popular for a while now, but down in South Florida 10 years ago a Bootcamp started that would change the industry forever. Rafael Moret, who’s been training people professionally since 1995, moved down to South Florida in late 2006 and quickly became part of the the circle of fitness professionals from Brickell to West Palm Beach…but in mid 2007 he launch what would be the 1st Bootcamp of many over the next decade. Since then thousands of people have had an opportunity to experience why Moret says “It’s Not Just Bootcamp” and now thousands all over the world will have the same chance South Floridaians have enjoyed. Rafael has literally written the book on bootcamps and bootcamp workouts with the launch of the Bootcamp Periodization System, a series of 4 books giving people access to a years worth of bootcamp workouts
“Trainers and fitness bootcamp instructors are raving about this system. They’re loving it and their clients are loving it.”
So what makes this system so awesome?
1.You Get A Full Year Of “Done For You” Periodization Workout Programs
Ever notice that your clients have specific needs that change? This package includes 4-twelve-week bootcamp programs for Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. With each season change you can change up your programming to meet your clients’ needs.

They’re gonna love their results! You’re going to love their repeat business!

That’s 1 full year of bootcamp training programs done for you!!

2.These Are Scientifically Based Workout Programs
Your goal isn’t to wear your clients out. Your goal is to get them really good results. And these four carefully planned periodization programs are proven to help your clients get lean, get strong, and build endurance.
Quality Bootcamp Workout PROGRAMS…proven,in the trenches programs that work..period!

The author is Rafael Moret, who is the owner of the South Florida Fitness Bootcamp. He’s been training and coaching a wide variety of people — from moms to athletes to fitness models — since 1995. Today he’s sharing his expertise in creating shorter workouts that produce great results in strength, power, muscular development and maximum fat loss.

This book is backed by publisher Georgette Pann, who is a world-renowned bootcamp expert. She has over two decades of experience helping clients get great results, as well as helping fitness pros just like you grow thriving, profitable bootcamp businesses.

Together, Rafael and Georgette bring a combined 40+ years of expertise into one package. If you’re looking for one programming package to buy this year, this group of four periodization program manuals is just what you need!
Rafael Moret is the founder, president, and chief fitness officer of It’s Not Just Bootcamp in Miami Lakes, Fl. He is also the creator of It’s Not Just Donuts, protein donuts and an Independent Kyani Distributor. Rafael holds multiple specialty certifications and has helped clients achieve their health and fitness goals since 1995.

Monday, February 20, 2017


Miami Lakes-- We’ve all heard the saying that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Scientific evidence does indicate that precautionary measures such as regular exercise and sensible eating habits could protect us from some of the most serious and potentially fatal diseases.

“Numerous research studies have shown that a regular, brisk physical activity together with a healthy diet based on fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy and lean protein, cut the risk of many deadly diseases,” says Rafael Moret of It's Not Just Bootcamp. “Combine these measures with cigarette-free life and you’re getting a very powerful health boost.”

Virtually every medical condition can benefit from a healthy lifestyle, including ailments that claim the largest number of victims: Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

“World Health Organization reports that sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity is the main cause of about 25 percent of breast and colon cancers, 27 percent of diabetes cases, and 30 percent of heart disease cases worldwide,” Rafael says. “This finding, on top of all the other research, is a compelling reason to get off the couch and start moving!”

Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in this country, with about 30 percent of all Americans suffering from some form of it, including heart failure, stroke, high blood pressure, coronary disease, and other serious conditions.

“However, regular exercise - at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity most days of the week - helps the heart muscle work more efficiently by lowering blood pressure, raising “good” HDL cholesterol, and helping maintain a healthy weight, since obesity is a well-known risk factor for cardiovascular disease,” Rafael says.

Cancer. Studies show that about a third of all common cancers in the United States could be prevented each year through healthy lifestyle.

“Here’s a real eye opener: According to World Cancer Research Fund, exercise and other healthy lifestyle measures could reduce breast cancer cases by 38 percent, stomach cancer by 47 percent, and colon cancer by 45 percent,” Moret says. “Several studies also reported links between physical activity and a lowered risk of other cancers.”

Diabetes now affects nearly 26 million Americans and the numbers are expected to climb in the future decades.

“There is no doubt that rates of diabetes are linked to the increase in cases of obesity,” Moret notes. “Along with appropriate diet and any medication prescribed by a doctor, exercise can help control weight and lower blood sugar level. It can also– as shown above - reduce the risk of heart disease, a condition that is common in people who have diabetes and / or are overweight.”

Rafael adds that exercise has also been proven beneficial in preventing and relieving a variety of other medical conditions as well, including osteoporosis, arthritis, and depression.

“The bottom line is that regular workouts will help keep you physically and mentally healthy,” Rafael adds.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Bootcamp Workouts in Miami Lakes: Raising the Bar

Have you ever watched a cable commercial where they offer this incredible offer for NEW customers? I always watched those and wonder…”What about me?…I have been a loyal subscriber for years and I’m paying more than someone who has never done business with you.”

I wonder if members of the gym or members of my bootcamp in Miami Lakes feel the same when all the new year resolution people come in to start their fitness journey, I ask that every time we put together an offer to help new members get started in our program. I also think about that at this time of the year when we have so many new people participating in a fitness program that is not necessarily new to everyone , but it’s new to them.

How do we continue to serve our members that have been training all year, and for many years and still manage to serve all of the people that are joining us for the first time.

Simple or at least the idea is simple, Create a plan where people of all fitness levels are starting a new fitness adventure no matter where in their personal journey they are. A plan that can be laid out weeks, months and even a full year ahead of time so that the person going on this adventure knew what was ahead of them and so that a coach had a map that could take them there

Everyone starts the year with a goal in mind. Maybe it’s to make improvements on everything they did the prior year, maybe it’s to finally make it happen for the first time. What ever the goal is mapping and planning out workouts in advance ensures that the goal will be achieved..

What if you knew ahead of time that your workouts would look like this for example:

Day 1

Warm Up

Heel Raises for 30 Seconds

Standing Bicycle Crunches for 30 Sec

Squats for 30 Sec

Jumping Jacks for 30 Sec

30 Sec Break and Repeat

60 Sec Break

Day 1: Push – EMOM “every minute on the minute”

Members will perform assigned number of reps and have 1 minute to complete, as
soon as they complete the remaining time is used to rest, recover, rotate and

Push Ups (15-20 Reps)

Dips (15-20 Reps)

Dumbbell Floor Chest Press (15-20 Reps)

Band or Dumbbell Over Head triceps extensions (15-20 Reps)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press (15-20 Reps)

Members will complete 4 Rounds (20 Minutes) in A Circuit Style

1 Minute to Re Group


4 Minute Traditional TABATA

20 Seconds on 10 Seconds Off

2 Moves Switching Back and Forth between

Mountain Climbers and Leg Raises

Warm Up

Heel Raises for 30 Seconds

Standing Bicycle Crunches for 30 Sec

Squats for 30 Sec

Jumping Jacks for 30 Sec

30 Sec Break and Repeat

60 Sec Break
Day 2: Pull EMOM “every minute on the minute”

Members will perform assigned number of reps and have 1 minute to complete, as
soon as they complete the remaining time is used to rest, recover, rotate and

Single Arm Rows Right Arms (15-20 Reps)

Single Arm Rows Left Arms (15-20 Reps)

Band Bicep Curls (15-20 Reps)

Band or Dumbbell Bilateral Rows (15-20 Reps)

Dumbbell Upright Rows (15-20 Reps)

Members will complete 4 Rounds (20 Minutes) in A Circuit Style

1 Minute to Re Group


4 Minute Traditional TABATA

20 Seconds on 10 Seconds Off

2 Moves Switching Back and Forth between

X Body Mountain Climbers and Reverse Crunches

Warm Up

Heel Raises for 30 Seconds

Standing Bicycle Crunches for 30 Sec

Squats for 30 Sec

Jumping Jacks for 30 Sec

30 Sec Break and Repeat

60 Sec Break
Day 3 Squat EMOM “every minute on the minute”

Members will perform assigned number of reps and have 1 minute to complete, as
soon as they complete the remaining time is used to rest, recover, rotate and

Alternating Leg Lunges (15-20 Reps)

Squat Jumps (15-20 Reps)

Dumbbell Sumo Squats (15-20 Reps)

Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts (15-20 Reps)

KettleBell Swings (15-20 Reps)

Members will complete 4 Rounds (20 Minutes) in A Circuit Style

1 Minute to Re Group


4 Minute Traditional TABATA

20 Seconds on 10 Seconds Off

2 Moves Switching Back and Forth between

Spiderman Mountain Climbers and Bicycle Crunches

…and that the following week the goal was to progress with these workouts. And that after making progress for 3 weeks with this you already have the next set of workout mapped out.

It’s one less thing to think about and it takes the guess work out of the equation
A truly successful bootcamp achieves at least two critical goals:
1.- Gets your clients the physique results they want, while simultaneously 
2.- Giving them what you know their body needs.
When you program with structural balance in mind, you give your clients the best of both worlds.
Introducing The NEW  Bootcamp Periodization System



You Get Four Twelve-Week Programming Guides – A FULL YEAR Of Done For You Periodization Programs!

Each manual includes a 12-week periodization system. Programs are designed for three hard workouts per week. Each workout includes:

  • A set of warm-up exercises that are designed specifically for each workout. This reduces injury and gets your campers pumped about the workout! 
  • The main workout, which includes a variety of bodyweight exercises, endurance exercises, bodyweight exercises, and exercises using dumbbells, bands and kettlebells. Each workout is designed around a specific goal, such as building endurance, leaning out, getting strong, etc. 
  • A closer/finisher. Depending on the workout goals, these closers may give your campers a metabolic boost and help them cool down. 
Here’s what you get when you order now… 

Manual #1: Winter Bootcamp Program—Done For You 12 Week Periodization Program

Use the Winter Program to build strong bodies. Workouts focus on exercises such as bodyweight exercises, compound lifts, and targeted lifts to build muscle and strength. 
This periodization program includes: 
  • Chapter 1: Basic Build (Weeks 1-3) 
  • Chapter 2: Get Strong (Weeks 4-6) 
  • Chapter 3: Get Stronger (Weeks 7-9) 
  • Chapter 4: Super Sets (Weeks 10-12) 

Manual #2: Spring Bootcamp Program—Done For You 12 Week Periodization Program

This program starts by building muscle and strength, and then it turns to leaning your clients out and sending their metabolism into overdrive. Right in time for beach season! This periodization program includes: 
This periodization program includes: 
  • Chapter 1: Basic Build (Weeks 1-3)
  • Chapter 2: Get Strong (Weeks 4-6)
  • Chapter 3: Lean Out (Weeks 7-9)
  • Chapter 4: Metabolic Drive (Weeks 10-12) 

Manual #3: Summer Bootcamp Program—Done For You 12 Week Periodization Program

It’s summer, and your bootcampers are thinking about baring themselves on the beach. Use this 12 week periodization program to get them lean, get them sexy and build their confidence! Your clients will look good and feel great! 
This periodization program includes:
  • Chapter 1: Sexy Build (Weeks 1-3) 
  • Chapter 2: Get Tight (Weeks 4-6) 
  • Chapter 3: HIIT Weeks (Weeks 7-9) 
  • Chapter 4: Beach Ready (Weeks 10-12) 

Manual #4: Fall Bootcamp Program—Done For You 12 Week Periodization Program

You’ve been pushing your campers hard all year to build their strength and lean them out. The Fall program starts with a short recovery period of lighter work, followed by building strength, mobility and endurance. 
This periodization program includes: 
  • Chapter 1: Recover (Weeks 1-3) 
  • Chapter 2: Get Strong (Weeks 4-6) 
  • Chapter 3: Mobility (Weeks 7-9) 
  • Chapter 4: Endurance (Weeks 10-12) 
Bottom line: you get a full year of carefully planned periodization programming across four manuals. These programs and workouts are designed to grow strength, endurance, and mobility, plus get your clients lean and beach-body ready in time for summer! 
And that’s not all…

Plus You’ll Get These Two Bonus Guides for FREE!

Bonus #1: The Beach Bootcamp Workout Program

Bonus #2: Krazy Klosers: 52 Krazy Finishers, A New One For Every Week Of The Year!


Georgette Pann is a world-renowned bootcamp expert, and the creator of Sure Victory Bootcamp in a Box,Sure Results Bootcamp Workouts and publisher of The Bootcamp Periodization System .
.To learn more about The NEW  Bootcamp Periodization System +how it can revolutionize your bootcamp programming NOW go to

Sunday, February 12, 2017

MIAMI LAKES FITNESS BOOTCAMP 1000 Calorie Challenge Workout

Holidays are over and New Year Resolutions are life starts for real here in Miami Lakes...Spring is coming, Summer is coming and so are vacations

Here is the TRUTH

You're busy with....

Cleaning up
Cleaning the house
Dropping off from practice
Picking up from practice
Dirty Laundry
Folding clean laundry
Take the dog out
And now you have a pile of other stuff on top of your
normal hectic schedule.
Oh, and eat. Almost forgot about that, might as well grab something with some carbs in it because carbs give you energy, right? You remember reading that somewhere…
The list could go on for pages, but this is what a lot of busy moms and dads and business owners and just honestly....everyone, have to do for every other person in the household. Not that this comes as a surprise to any of them, because this is their daily routine.
But as time passes, and kids grow up, jobs change and life happens, the years leave their mark on a busy people's bodies. A little extra on top of the jeans, a little big hanging out in front, things that used to be tight, just wobble a little more than they should. 
But what can a busy person do about it? Your time is never their own. And forget about unrealistic gym hours. Why pay for a membership when you can never make it during the week because your schedule doesn’t allow it or even our bootcamp in Miami Lakes..with all the classes we have..they still might not work
Well, that is exactly why we are presenting the 10:00am (you guessed it) Weekend Fat Blasting 1000 Calorie Fat Loss program.
Saturday and Sunday morning at 10:00am, we are going to help you burn 1000 calories on each day of the weekend, and help you lose a dress size or a pant size. 
Each workout will be tough, but structured to get the most out of you in the least amount of time. 
Best of all, we’ll be doing it on weekend mornings, before you need to get your kids ready, or run errands, or go to church and so it doesn’t take time away from your already packed day of activities and whatever else you do. 
Now you don’t have to choose between your family and your health. You can have both, and join other motivated busy moms and dads and business owners and just everyone like yourself to kick some butt and get their own butts back into shape.
We will be starting this as part of all the NEW things coming to our NEW location in Miami if you are interested in something like this...a weekend membership that will burn 1,000 calories Saturday and 1,000 calories on Sunday...let me know

For everyone else...waiting...let me repeat...the time will pass anyway...workout or no workout, diet or no diet...workout with us or not...the time will pass...Summer will be here, beach time, shorts and tank tops....don't wait

You can see them here
FREE Truth about Fat Burning Seminar =>

Bootcamp After Dark 

THE next 99 Days!!!

Have you lost a little motivation or focus?
Maybe you would like a little more!!
Hope you and you and your family are having an AMAZING weekend.

I am already heading out to our NEW gym..I want to get a workout in before class and I wanted to share something I talked about in our 6 week transformation group...
"Have you ever hit a weight loss plateau?"
Fat was practically falling off your body just a few weeks ago, and now you’re wondering if your scale is broken because no matter what you do, your weight won’t budge.

What gives?

Why did your routine suddenly stop working, and what can you do to push through this weight loss plateau?


Another reason people lose focus is lack of target dates or goal dates

I am the 1st person to tell you..the your health and fitness should be #1 regardless of a vacation plan or party dress you want to fit into...but I am also here to Coach and that means finding the ways that work...You tend to focus better or work harder if you have a DATE!!!

Let me give you an example...I have 3 dates I am working toward
March 9th I have an Event in Texas
April 15th I have another Event
and May 22nd is my B-Day (Huge Event)
as of right now that is 99 Days away...

I have a target date and I have concrete goals laid out...and every day I will do what I need to do to reach those goals...

After that I already other shorter term and longer goals but that is the Next 99 Days.....

What about you?

Do you have some short term and longer term goals?

What can I do to help you reach them?

Think about it....

Today we start A New adventure.....remember you are all invited to come workout with us our new place...if you don;t make it..I will share pictures with you tomorrow

*ps...last day to lock in your members, past members, friends and family...

With the NEW adventure starting at our NEW is a GREAT day to get started or restart your adventure into better health and more energy....