Thursday, June 5, 2014

Feeling Tired? Fatigued? Un-Motivated?

Hey there ABF (Awesome Bootcamp Family)

It happens to everyone...

You feel Tired, Fatigued, and Un-Motivated?

I have 21 people in our 21 Day Detox and most of them are feeling or have felt this. When changing your diet from a normal American diet to a healthy clean diet, you may experience headaches and fatigue and of course CONSTIPATION. I highly recommend supplements like Pro X 10 to help cleanse your body and organs so that your body absorbs more nutrients properly. Trust me, when you're all backed up, you'll be wishing you listened to me can read more about Pro X 10 here

But those people are on the right path....they are eating better and exercising...the tiredness and fatigue will go away...

How about the ones not eating well...I can guarantee if you do NOT put quality food in your mouth...your body will NOT perform well

But did you know...the NOT exercising will cause ALL of these things too?

Here are 5 ways that inactivity increases fatigue.
1- Sleep difficulties. The relentless demands of modern life lead our bodies to produce excess cortisol, a stress hormone linked to insomnia. Excess cortisol comes at the expense of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep. For a better night’s sleep, you therefore need to reduce cortisol and increase serotonin. The best way to accomplish both simultaneously is through exercise. But if you prefer to sit all day in front of your TV and computer screens, you might be up watching longer than you’d like! Your out of balance biochemicals will retaliate and give you (another?) sleepless night. When getting a good night’s sleep is difficult, feeling energetic the next day becomes one big challenge.
2- Frail muscles. When it comes to muscle mass and strength, the motto “use it or lose it” definitely applies. People who are injured and have a limb immobilized start losing muscle cells as quickly as 6 hours after immobilization. Since muscle is a powerful calorie-consumer, consuming between 50 to 75 times more calories than fat does, lower muscle mass easily leads to weight gain. More importantly, less muscle mass makes anything slightly physical require more effort. Imagine how difficult it is for someone who has excess weight and weak muscles to carry that weight around just to get in and out of the car, go shopping, carry the groceries up a few steps and into the house and unload the purchases into the fridge. Ouf! I’m tired just thinking about it!
3- Weak cardio-vascular performance. The heart is a muscle. Like other muscles, it atrophies with lack of exertion. A weaker heart pumps a smaller volume of blood with each beat, requiring more beats to do the same work. Sedentary people therefore tend to have higher heart rates and lower oxygen consumption than active individuals. Since the body needs oxygen to transform nutrients into energy, with lower oxygenation comes lower energy. Along with higher heart rates comes fatigue. It’s a lot of extra work for your heart!
4- Poor nutrition. Physical activity helps balance cortisol and serotonin. These two biochemicals have a lot to do with food consumption. Indeed, people with higher cortisol levels tend to look for quick feel-good boosts easily found in sugary and fatty foods. With low serotonin, cravings peak and are harder to control. In other words, inactivity combines two very important ingredients that can lead to overeating. In the short term, overeating will require a lot of your precious energy for digestive purposes. It will also bring your sugar levels on a roller-coaster ride that will leave you feeling depleted within the hour. Over the long run, overeating leads to weight gain, which increases fatigue by forcing you to spend more energy for everything you do.
5- Low morale. This one is quite intuitive, but let me explain it just the same. Through its impact on biochemicals, physical activity is known to reduce stress, depression, and anger. It simultaneously elevates mood, self-esteem, and energy levels. Comparatively speaking, sedentary people are therefore less likely to be emotionally healthy than active individuals. More and more research is showing that inactivity is likely to bring about feelings of emotional exhaustion, physical tiredness, and overall lousiness.
Not a member....more and more stuff happening at bootcamp everyday...

6am classes on Monday Wed and Friday start Monday June 9th

Bootcamp after Dark...on Friday the 13th

HOW DO YOU JOIN, if you are not a member?

Well our unlimited membership is just  $197 per month and you can get that by Clicking Here<<,
(*If you like math, if you are on this plan and workout 5 days per week, it’s only $10 per class 6 days per week $8 per class...some of our members do 2 classes in 1 even more)

but maybe that is not for you and all your schedule allows is 3 workouts per week...Well here is your chance to lock in our NEW membership option
3 classes per week that is 12 classes per month at $147 per month CLICK HERE TO JOIN <<

Any 12 classes per month

Have a GREAT Thursday
Master Trainer Rafael

Make sure you do at least 2 things today... 

1. Ask me your most pressing question on my Facebook Fan Page

2. Subscribe to my super cool INSTAGRAM PAGE

How to refuel after your workout

Hey Everyone

Rafael here,

Many of us have a great pre-workout and workout routine. We drink plenty of water before and during exercise, warm up, stretch, work the entire body, and even get in some cardio training as well. Then, after the last exercise, we promptly head back to the locker room, change, and journey home.

What so many out there do not realize is the importance of what you do after you work out. You may have done the majority of the work, but how you treat your body in the minutes and hours after you exercise has a direct effect on muscle soreness, muscle strength and growth, and staying hydrated.

Refueling - nutrition is one of the last, but one of the most important, items to do after a workout. When it comes to nutrition, we consider that there are three main elements which have to be looked after:

A.Protein is essential for tissue growth and repair. Since the body is continuously breaking down proteins, our diet must provide sufficient quantities. Although recommended intakes vary and depend on body size and activity, a post-workout protein is almost universally helpful to kickstart muscle repair, recovery, and growth.

B.Branched-chain amino acids also known as BCAAs, containing leucineisoleucine, and valine, are the most effective ways to be lean and strong for life. In cases of calorie restriction or during periods of long or intense exercise, catabolism of muscle tissue could occur when glycogen and blood sugar are not present in sufficient quantities to fuel activity. Amino acids via dietary protein become very important for any athlete, which studies have shown muscles prefer as a source for fuel.
Here is a suggestion: BCAA MATRIX

C.Fast Carbs are used in order to spare protein, replenish glycogen, spike insulin, and speed recovery. After a tough workout, your fuel of blood sugar and glycogen are low. Your body's first priority is correcting blood sugar balance and replenishing glycogen.


The article was exclusively written by experts of SouthFlorida Fitness Bootcamp, most trusted small group fitness coaching program.