Saturday, December 22, 2012

Fitness Is More Than a New Year Resolution

One of the most common new year resolutions is to get in shape. You've probably heard countless friends and family talk about how they're going to join a gym or start a new weight loss routine for the new year.
But fitness is too important to just leave it to a new year resolution. It is important to have a year-round fitness routine which adapts to the changing needs of your body and lifestyle. Starting a fitness routine now is the best way to set yourself on the right path. It's not just about making promises to yourself that come the new year things will change, it's about getting actual results from a properly planned routine of exercise.
It can be all too easy to put off starting a fat loss plan and it takes real willpower to make that change today. There can be many excuses that pop into your mind about why you can't start changing your body and losing weight immediately. But your health is too important to leave to chance. The quicker you start a well-planned fitness routine, the sooner you'll see real results. These results will spur you on to push harder, eat better, and increase the amount of effort you're putting into your weight loss routine.
"Many people have tried different ways to get in shape, and one of the most effective is a fitness bootcamp" says Rafael Moret, the owner of Rated "R" Fitness bootcamp. This kind of environment provides not only the right equipment to help your fitness routine, but also the motivation, encouragement, and fun. Instead of a solitary exercise routine in a corner of the gym, you can be training with properly qualified bootcamp fitness instructors on a purpose-built facility with other people who share the same goals as you.
You can push your body a lot harder when a professional is setting your targets, because you'll be safe in the knowledge that they're not only medically sound for you to take part in, but also realistic for your fitness level. After starting training, you will find you lose fat and increase muscle tissue. And this increase in muscle tissue means your body will burn more calories when you're resting, making it easier to keep fat off your body.
It's possible to burn far more calories in one bootcamp session than in a standard low-intensity gym workout. You benefit from seeing the results faster, which will improve your motivation and determination to stay in shape. Bootcamp workouts have been shown to lower stress and help people enjoy their lives.
It will come at a much lower cost than a personal trainer, so there's no worrying about the cost of getting involved and starting right now. It's a surprisingly low-cost way of getting fit. When scheduling bootcamp sessions, they can fit around your work commitments. It is the fastest way to get in shape and see some serious fat loss. Many people have tried a lot of different ideas from fad diets to low-intensity gym sessions before trying the bootcamp approach. But it's this type of exercise that has sen them lose weight and increase the strength of their heart.
It's a good idea to speak with a bootcamp instructor about your fitness history and future goals so your targets and activities can be set appropriately. Instead of just making a new year's resolution you should start a bootcamp routine today!
You can get more information and details at

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

NEW Approach HALTS Holiday Weight Gain

 New Approach to Halt Weight Gain
by Mike Whitfield, CTT

Every year, from Thanksgiving through Christmas, I would really
"cut loose" on my food and because I'm a Whitfield, I gained
a lot of weight rapidly.

In fact, one year I gained almost 18 pounds in 7 weeks! Then,
I had to work like crazy to get it back off in January. I still remember
showing up to my relative's Christmas parties and feeling
everyone stare at me. I was totally embarrassed.

I would fight this battle year after year and it was frustrating.

But soon, I discovered that these special metabolic finisher
workouts I created for my own clients would help me HALT
my weight gain once and for all.

I experimented with doing metabolic resistance training workouts
and then performing these short 6-minute (or less) high
intensity finishers on my "off days". I would do them in my
backyard or even in my living room if it was too cold outside.

Finally, I realized when January came around, I wouldn't have to
start over. I had kept my weight off for once.

My favorite finishers are superset finishers because they don't
require me to remember much (ha). I especially liked the countdown
style finishers like this one:

Do the following superset, resting only when needed. In the first
superset, you will perform 8 reps of each exercise. In the next superset,
you will perform 7 reps of each. Continue in this fashion until you
complete 1 rep of each exercise.

Lunge Jumps or Alternating Lunges (8/side...1/side)
Decline Triple Stop Pushup (8...1)

Each finisher in the manual is short, but intense. And I guarantee
that if you use these this year, you'll stay lean (or get LEANER).

And because I understand your frustration with this time of
year (because I've been there much like you), I'm giving you
a special offer this week.

You'll get the Finisher Supersets Manual PLUS Metabolic Countdown,
a 4-week metabolic resistance training program that ends with
a countdown finisher to blast even more fat...

... for just $7.

And to make sure you dominate your battle against weight
gain this year, I'm even throwing the same nutrition plan I
have used myself and with men and women who won the Turbulence
Training Contest.

I know what it's like to battle weight gain year after year.
And with these finishers, you'll finally win that battle.

Trust me, if a former fat guy can do it, you can too,

The Boot Camp Rebel

P.S. Along with the Superset Finisher Workouts, you'll also get
a 4-week metabolic resistance training program, and my special
nutrition approach that allow you to enjoy yourself this year
AND get leaner.

You got this.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Best Metabolic Workout Plan

Hey Everyone

So cool stuff for you:

Best Metabolic Workout Plan

By Craig Ballantyne

The latest Men's Health magazine contained a shocking research
study stat.

According to the article, you can boost your sleeping metabolic
rate by 8 percent more than normal IF you workout with heavier

That adds up to over 5 pounds per year...and it's why I'm a big fan
of creating intense Turbulence Training workouts for BOTH men and
women for rapid fat loss.

If you don't challenge yourself with exercises in the 6-8 rep range
then you're leaving your metabolic burn boost benefit on the table.

Don't make that mistake.

To get maximum results, you need to use a fat loss workout system
like this:

Step #1 - Bodyweight Warm-up

Step #2 - Metabolic Resistance Training (sets of 8 reps)

Step #3 - Metabolic Conditioning Training (higher reps) or Intervals

Let's say you only had 20 minutes to workout.

You could do this 20-minute metabolic boosting TT workout:

MRT: Metabolic Resistance Training
- 8 reps per exercise (per side, if applicable)
- No rest between exercises
- 60 second rest at the end of the circuit
- Repeat for 3 rounds

1A) Goblet Squat or Narrow-Stance Barbell Squat
1B) DB Row or TRX Rows
1C) DB Incline Press or Decline Spiderman Pushups (try with TRX)
1D) Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat

Take a 2 minute break and then move on to MCT.

MCT: Metabolic Conditioning Training
- 40 seconds per exercise (per side, if applicable)
- Rest 20 seconds between exercises
- Repeat for 6 minutes straight

2A) Kettlebell Swings
2B) DB Lunge or Prisoner Lunge
2C) Elevated Pushups (switch sides after 20 seconds) or TRX Rows

That's it, short and metabolically-boosting-calorie-burning sweet.

If you liked that, you'll love the complete Metabolic Workouts
package and Bodyweight Bonuses that you'll get in the
Turbulence Training Black Friday Sale.

This is the best Black Friday sale that you're going to get
anywhere at anytime, and you don't have to camp out all night
at Wal-Mart to do so.

Grab all 13 classic TT Workouts for 93% off the regular price.

There's never been a deal like this before, AND you get access
to all the TT Metabolic Resistance Training fat burning workouts.

The complete package includes:

1) The Bodyweight Cardio Pack
2) TT MRT 1.0 and TT MRT 2.0 (2 of the most popular TT workouts)
3) TT for Beginners and Total Torso Training
4) TT Thermogenic-30 (The 2012 Workout of the Year)


Thanks so much and have a great weekend,

The Boot Camp Rebel

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What is in your food?

Happy Monday I hope you got an awesome weekend.... I just finished reading the results from everyone finishing week 2 of the Unwrap a new you in 8 weeks plan. 2 more 5lbs losers...and 3 people lost 3 more pounds...BOOM!!! this rate how can they NOT unwrap a new body on Christmas day... I hope you are getting the results you are looking for, and if you are not...maybe it's time to take action. On to WHAT'S IN YOUR FOOD... I always tend to teach you about carbs, protein and much you should have...but I don't think I have touched on this subject enough What is actually in the food Garden burgers. Power bars. Protein brownies. Bottled water that makes you thin, young and smart. And we used to wonder what they put in Pop Rocks... These days it’s hard for even die-hard foodies to know what they’re eating or drinking. That’s because food has changed from something that didn’t need a modifier – if it walked, swam, flew or grew out of the ground, it was food – to something that stopped off at Mr. Burns’ nuclear plant on the way to your plate. Did you know that 70% of the Ground Beef in the USA has pink slime...and did you know that all of that pink slime is treated with AMMONIA?

Pink Slime - 70% of America's Beef is Treated with Ammonia

Still drinking coca cola? Watch this!

How Do They Make It - Chicken Nuggets

Rafael Moret,CSCS, NASM-Cpt

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Boot Camp Trick or Treat





Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins



  • 9 egg whites
  • 1 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 3/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 3/4 cup rolled oats
  • 1 1/2 scoops chocolate protein powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp nutmeg
  • 12 packets Splenda® sweetener or Stevia powder, to taste
  • 40 semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • Cooking spray


  Preheat oven 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients (except chocolate chips and cooking spray) in a blender and blend well. Spray muffin tins (use a tin that makes six large muffins) liberally. Fill each cup 3/4 full. For each muffin, put four chocolate chips into batter, so that they go into the middle of the muffin, then place the four remaining chocolate chips on the top. Repeat for each muffin. Bake 20 to 22 minutes on the middle rack.   Here is a TRAICK AND TREAT from Mike Whitfield
The Burpee/Spiderman Pushup Combo is when you perform a
burpee, but after you kick your feet out, you perform one Spiderman
Pushup per side, then kick your feet in and finally, stand back up.
It works your abs a lot harder than silly crunches or sit-ups (while
saving your back and neck, too). In fact, I've written a tough, LONG
"HallowMEAN finisher" for you today that was specifically designed
to work your abs
HallowMEAN Ab Finisher
Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 6 minutes
and 66 seconds, resting only when necessary.
Yes, I realize that 6 minutes and 66 seconds is 7 minutes and 6
seconds. But that's not nearly as scary. It's a HallowMEAN finisher
man. Yeeeaaaaahhh c'mon.
Whatever. Here is the circuit:
Burpee/Spiderman Pushup Combo (5)
Goblet Jump Squat (10)
Mountain Climbers (10/side)
That's a lot better than long, boring cardio. Plus, you'll work your
abs harder while burning off even the most stubborn belly fat.
Intervals are cool, but finishers are even cooler.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Afternoon Motivation (+ a new guide)

It's Super Tuesday
So how can I really contribute?
How can I really help?
I decided to put together a way to help more people. I wrote a book that will guide people in the write direction. Not just people in South Florida, in Miami, Hialeah or Broward.
A How to...a What to look for..a Who is this right for
All people
Look at what I created
Look for the release soon
NOW...Let's Help Get You on FIRE!!!!!!!
Photo: Be honest! How hard did you push in the gym today...???
Have A Super Tuesday
The Boot Camp Rebel

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The BEST Gift EVER!!

Very Excited today and Very Focused!
Here we are Sunday afternoon...prep time for the week
Sorry, this week I have been a little disconnected, recovering from last weeks trip mentally.
so, back to Very Excited today and Very Focused!
If we have talked this week in class you know I took this week off from working out, you may have even heard me complain about my joints hurting, and now my back aching in the last few days.
Lots of wear and tear people, the last few weeks I was doing lots of powerlifting and eating alot
With lots of food and heavy training comes more muscle and more weight and that starts to hurt carrying all that around. 
and now today as I prep to go workout and as I prep to get ready for the week of eating and training....
I also had to look and re-evaluate at what I was training for
Just like I tell you guys to set Goals, Plan and Prep...I have to do the same
if not, what are you training for?
When there is NO plan I also start to feel sluggish, tired and un motivated...just like you guys sometimes. My eating is all over the place and I get moody
So today as I was assessing my next set of goals, I started looking at the day and what I would want to accomplish and realized Christmas is about 8 weeks away.
AWESOME!! This is a lot of time...60+ days 
And what better gift than to wake up Christmas morning...leaner, faster, stronger, with more energy and endurance than I have had all year.
WOW...who the heck wants and iPad or new TV?
Then of course you need shorter term goals...30 days from now..Thanksgiving! 
So I can go all in for 30 days, train hard, eat great and assess my progress in 30 Days and it will be Thanksgiving ... that means TREATS!!!
I like planning and prepping :-)
Next I have to enlist help...A Coach...someone who would not take it easy on me and someone who would know their stuff
YES! This guys would be the one to kick my A$$!!
I know you know that's wore this last night at the DBA Halloween party.
I know the program I design for you guys much so that it is what I will use on myself.
I have PROOF it of course I will use it on me..
Now I ask you
What BETTER Gift during the Holidays (which ever one you celebrate) than to wake up 8 weeks from now a BETTER YOU
I mean you can't even price this...I mean you may want an iPad that will be outdated in 2 months for $500, i new fancy TV that will be outdated in 2 months for $2,000...some of you contemplate surgeries and procedures as a GIFT...
But is that really "healthy"? Does it really give you ALL the Results you want? Does it REALLY make you FEEL the way you want to feel?
So I have an interesting idea....
Maybe you like me would like to wake up Christmas morning in a new body...a new shell...a NEW YOU
Maybe you know that some intense coaching...Rated "R" coaching...will get you there.
Maybe You want to feel AWESOME more than you want another TV or iPad
Maybe I make an offer for you with and EXCELLENT purpose and and EXCELLENT outcome
Maybe I send it to you tomorrow (look for it)
Just remember "Excellence Has It's Cost"
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday People and get ready for Bootcamp this week
The Boot Camp Rebel
The HILL was postponed for this Saturday November 3rd at 8am because of the rain
If you wanted to come but didn't register or couldn't come because you had is your chance
$25 gets you in and this is open to everyone
